Example sentences of "[vb pp] him the [noun] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 We have named him the Redway Rapist ’ .
2 But he had seen it at once , when Berdichev had first shown him the Aristotle File .
3 Sherie intends to take Neil on holiday after Christmas to help him over his ordeal — after she has bought him the mountain bike he has set his heart on .
4 Northampton have been so suitably impressed by Ross 's abilities that they have offered him the coaching job for the next two seasons , a post that he has accepted .
5 You reckon Hatton would also have told him the river bed was full of stones one of which would make a suitable weapon for knocking off his informant ? ’
6 He 'd liked the story well enough , admittedly , given a fairly good display to his half-dozen column inches yesterday ; but when Mike had told him the press conference to which Briant had agreed could make a much better story , he had n't seemed to think much of it .
7 Or what he thought had happened inside his head , for those at the hospital who were supposed to know told him the brain scan showed nothing untoward .
8 He was a good head taller than she was , and in other circumstances she would have judged him the heart-throb type , with his dramatic dark looks , reckless mouth , strong jaw and a piratical scar across one cheek giving his faultless right profile the touch of humanity it needed .
9 The jury awarded him the libel raspberry — a halfpenny — so he was forced to pay for the whole action .
10 He wished they 'd left him the radio mast , so that he could at least listen to some music and pick up the news .
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