Example sentences of "[vb pp] from [num] year [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Now such a delay is risky because the pace of innovation has quickened and the profitable life ofa new drug has dropped from 15 years to three or four .
2 While life expectancy has risen from 46 years in 1961 to 59 years in 1977 , 20% of the infant population still die before reaching the age of five .
3 An illustrated lecture by Dr John Shannon OBE , Chairman of the York Civic Trust , examining the architectural details of York — gleaned from 30 years of walking around the City .
4 It proposed that the maximum for rape should continue to be life imprisonment and the maximum for non-consensual buggery where the victim was over 16 should be raised from ten years to life imprisonment .
5 The country is still on its knees , exhausted from 25 years of Ceaucescu 's oppression , and still trying to catch its breath after the extraordinary heroism which led to his overthrow .
6 Fees collection work has continued at a high level since the acceptable age of a fee note in a complaint was reduced from five years to two in November last year .
7 Following a presidential announcement on Dec. 7 , 1989 , that national service for white adult males was to be reduced from two years to one from 1990 , Defence Minister Gen. Magnus A. Malan announced on Jan. 29 , 1990 , that the period of community service for religious objectors was being halved and that those serving a mandatory six-year prison sentence for refusing the draft would be eligible for remission of up to 50 per cent .
8 The median duration of glue ear assessed otoscopically reduced from 6.1 years without surgery to 3.5 years with tubes , 3.4 years after adenoidectomy , and 2.3 years with the combination of adenoidectomy and tubes .
9 Although the maximum length of imprisonment was thereby reduced from one year to six months , and flogging was no longer a possible part of the punishment , trials took place much sooner , and sometimes at a locality closer to the complainant 's home .
10 the multiplier was reduced from 15 years to 11 years to reflect the fact that the marriage might not have lasted for the whole of the natural life of the deceased .
11 The median age of users increased from 55 years in 1977–81 to 63 years in 1989–90 .
12 The maximum penalty for conspiracy to murder was increased from ten years to life ; for causing explosions from twenty years to life ; and membership of proscribed organisations from five years to ten .
13 He left a widow and four sons aged from nine years to eight months .
14 It left Mrs Adams to look after four children aged from 9 years to just 10 months .
15 The country had been emancipated from thirteen years of middle-level Conservative rule of reasonable efficiency , modest dynamism but small-power idealism .
16 The sentence passed on Udo Proksch in March 1991 for his involvement in the Lucona affair [ see p. 38110 ] was changed from 20 years to life in an appeal hearing completed on Jan. 28 .
17 ‘ It comes down to applying a judgement based on the background knowledge we 've acquired from 30 years of monitoring and reporting human rights ’ .
18 Former President Ahmed Ben Bella , 73 , returned from 10 years of exile in France and Switzerland on Sept. 27 .
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