Example sentences of "[vb pp] from [art] [noun sg] of " in BNC.

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1 To defend their installed bases , equipment manufacturers , Input says , are responding to the trend by offering a growing portfolio of productised services which can be picked and mixed from a catalogue of traditional and new services .
2 Flowered Up 's next single , ‘ Take It ’ , includes lyrics lifted from the soundtrack of Rude Boy , The Clash 's on-the-road movie .
3 Large , brightly coloured and apparently celebratory , they have been developed from the découpages of Matisse , but are , on closer inspection , altogether less tasteful , with their short , smutty messages lifted from the scribble of a toilet door .
4 That is when all limits are lifted from the amount of alcohol and tobacco that can be brought into the country from Europe for personal use .
5 But it was equally likely that truly dreadful things were wiped away , which was why she had no recollection of being lifted from the wreckage of the vehicle in which her parents had died .
6 Electrical fittings , apparently lifted from the set of Terry Gillam 's Brazil , fizzed in gloomy corners .
7 The dry store at Torness , on which a decision is awaited from the Secretary of State for Scotland , should also help reduce costs .
8 Although the viewer 's eye is won from a consideration of material possessions to the contemplation of transcendent values , it is ‘ things ’ themselves which , properly understood , call his attention to this higher truth .
9 We have two wonderful prizes of bedroom furniture to be won from the top of Ducal 's range .
10 It 's been all downhill since he was wrenched from the helm of Private Eye by his homuncular protégé Ian Hislop .
11 Funding has come from a variety of sources including the Wolfson Foundation and Charitable Trust , the Museums and Galleries Improvement Fund , the Worshipful Company of Glass Sellers of London , the British Glass Education Trust and private donations .
12 Loans have come from a variety of country houses such as Nostell Priory , Goodwood , Saltram , Ickworth and Burghley House and are fairly evenly divided between portraits and classical mythology ; frequently both are combined .
13 Those taking part come from a variety of backgrounds and have spent several months or in some cases years receiving instruction in the faith , usually as part of a parish group .
14 The group come from a range of disciplines — ceramics , jewellery , fibre arts , silversmithing , product design , paper and glass making — and will be examining world-renowned Danish design .
15 Layered bodies of rock , such as might have come from a succession of lava flows , are rare on the Moon , and those observed might be the result of other processes , such as impacts .
16 Pressure has come from a number of sources in the economic , political , social and legal environment , and there is survey evidence to demonstrate a growth in the number of consultative committees now in operation .
17 The angular , and in the case of the three women at the extreme left and right of the Demoiselles , rather ‘ faceted ’ appearance of the figures , and the heavy , chalky highlights found in certain parts of the drapery could well have come from a study of El Greco 's work .
18 Since the particles emitted by a black hole come from a region of which the observer has very limited knowledge , he can not definitely predict the position or the velocity of a particle or any combination of the two ; all he can predict is the probabilities that certain particles will be emitted .
19 The order , put at about £500m , was reported to have come from a group of British fund managers acting through Barclays Bank in London .
20 The major contribution to informed debate about the search for sites for the disposal of nuclear wastes has come from a group of geographers ( Openshaw et al. 1989 ) and a GIS approach to this problem can pay high dividends .
21 Well firstly the bill did n't have that rough a passage in the House of Lords , because there are only two basic amendments , er that we 're dealing with in the House of Commons that matter , and one of them is the one you 've just mentioned , the answer to it is this , er I 've had a lot of criticisms of giving B R the untrammelled right to bid , er right from the outset their criticisms to do with the danger that you would n't get competition for the franchises the private sector would be afraid , and incidentally this is not a sell off it 's it 's a way of getting the private sector into British Rail with all the advantages that brings , they would be afraid that they would face subsidized and unfair competition , above all , perhaps , British Rail ge=management would feel if they were bidding against their employer that would be a real discouragement to bid , and we 've a lot of evidence er that they feel that and that there are many who do wish to bid in management/employee buy outs , so what we 've done in the amendment is we 've preserved the right for British Rail to bid , but we 've dealt with those criticisms and worries which have come from a lot of quarters not least from within British Rail itself .
22 The creditors had come from every corner of the globe and filled up the ballroom of the Sheraton Hotel in Toronto with their lawyers and advisers .
23 The initiative has come from the order of Irish Dominican monks who live at San Clemente , and particularly from Father Leonard Boyle , prefect of the Vatican Library and former member of the community .
24 Did the new scheme come from the philosophy of government 's financial managers to save money rather than from the YTP providers themselves ?
25 Further support for this concept has recently come from the work of Iftikhar et al who showed higher concentrations of bile in oesophageal aspirates from patients with Barrett 's columnar lined lower oesophagus .
26 We learned soon that the money for Frank had come from the wife of our new romantic juvenile , Laurence Wheldon , a blonde and willowy man whose good looks far exceeded his acting powers but whose wife 's money was underwriting the company , to say nothing of her husband 's ambitions .
27 To-day a wild letter had come from the wife of one who refused subordinate office which will give me a sleepless night .
28 A potential complication of the analysis could have come from the influence of the partner on the pulsar , had it been comparable with our Sun in size as well as in mass .
29 Wade goes further and questions , on the basis of American administrative history , the claim that bureaucratic growth has come from the expansion of established agencies .
30 Strong , virile performances of two of the finest of all Tudor settings of the Mass come from the choir of St John 's College Cambridge on a label not normally associated with early music , mid-price EMI Eminence .
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