Example sentences of "[vb pp] not [prep] the [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Viola 's voice had that organ note of the English landed aristocracy , though in her case it had been formed not in the hunting-fields , but on the lonely , sheep expanses of her native land .
2 Could it be that the stripes are intended not for the eyes of lions but for the eyes of other zebras ?
3 This point is made not in the interests of pedantry , but because it bears directly on the criticisms of current approaches to the global system that lie at the heart of this book .
4 Dicey felt that ‘ a real limit to the exercise of sovereignty is imposed not by the laws of man but by the nature of things ’ .
5 They are seen not as the victims of social problems but as those who contribute to their own victimisation by their irresolution or fatalism or apathy .
6 In the second stanza we find him still in the classical world , though this time it is the Greek rather than the Italian , and it begins by being the Greek seen not through the eyes of Frazer , but through the eyes of Keats .
7 But the constitution itself was explained as a gift from the Emperor as a reward for the loyalty of the restricted numbers that were enfranchised , and its whole ethos was rooted not in the rights of individuals but in their duties as obedient subjects .
8 The contribution of the turnpikes must be measured not against the prescriptions of later ages but against the possibilities of their own .
9 He first of all asked for a mandate based not on the distortions of a month 's electioneering but on his 16 months in the leadership , not least his performance on the international stage .
10 He may find , however , that during the decades immediately before the commencement of civil registration in 1837 the answers to his queries are to be found not in the records of the Established Church but in the registers of one or more of the various Nonconformist sects .
11 In Hamble village , their first precious spare hours were spent not in the pubs but in the Tesco 's supermarket watching shoppers walking up to overburdened shelves and putting all manner of goods in their baskets . ’
12 Much of the strongest criticism was voiced not by the judges in the House but by non-lawyers such as Lord Benson who had chaired the Royal Commission on Legal Services which reported in 1979 .
13 But Jesus ' criticisms were in fact directed not at the laws , but at the way the rabbis had interpreted them .
14 A trust is what is left not in the words of the civil law but as a request , and does not depend on the rigour of the civil law but on the intention of the settlor .
15 The next action , however , was taken not by the Protestants but by the Catholics ; and a very puzzling one it was .
16 Frequently , this orthographic evidence for variation in Middle English is rejected not on the grounds that the scribe was literally an Anglo-Norman ( which is what Skeat argued ) , but that uses such as variable h are originally scribal importations from French or Latin usage .
17 He can impose his choice because the president is elected not by the voters but by the National Assembly , where the Motherland party still has an ample majority : it holds 290 seats out of 450 Should a party which , judging by the latest test at the polls , is supported by only one voter in five choose the head of state ?
18 Many of the more intractable problems involved with merger of solicitors ' firms will be within the province of the accountancy profession : and the best advice as to how to reconcile the apparently irreconcilable will be obtained not through the pages of any book but from a fellow professional who has actually and successfully observed the process at first hand .
19 Western historians tend to see them as alienated intellectuals motivated not by the interests of any major section of society but by a host of heterogeneous ideas , romantic and modernizing , dictatorial and democratic .
20 But we do not have to follow him further , to the view that authentic Producers ' Co-operation is to be found in factories owned and ultimately controlled not by the men and women working in them , but by the members of the Consumers ' Co-operatives whose capital built and equipped the factories , and employed labour to work in them .
21 Moreover , most attention was paid not to the conditions of work as such but to the moral and spiritual degradation said to accompany female employment .
22 Rather surprisingly , it was published not in the pages of Nature or Science , where hot news is usually aired for rapid communication among scientists , but between the sober covers of the Astrophysical Journal ( vol 248. p 1144 ) , a pillar of respectability among the astronomical establishment .
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