Example sentences of "[vb pp] not [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The event was dominated not by the man but by a team of ladies all from the City of Derry , they were Ann Wallace , Claire Hughes and Vivienne Houston and their professional from Cill Dara was Gerry Burke .
2 It is n't so long ago that the advocates of population control were being attacked not from the right but from the left .
3 In some birds , females are attracted not by the quality of a male 's territory , but by the male himself .
4 It was low and cracked to begin with , then it rose up the scale , eerily , and shook out its top notes across the damp , half-lit glade until I really did think that my father had come not from the hospital but from some horribly , cold , empty region that lies in wait for us instead of all the heavens we have dreamed up to make things bearable .
5 It was no longer so easy to remain an island of reason when every timber surrounding us had been magically selected ; when our departure had been synchronized not with the weather , but with inner portents of another kind of time .
6 In my own university , for instance , the number of first year students of biology that we have been able to accept this year has been entirely constrained not by the quality of our applicants but the physical size of our teaching laboratories .
7 In practice the new discourse was addressed not to the population at large but to potential members of an elite of " the educated " .
8 The peasants ' " redemption dues " were calculated not on the basis of the land which came into their possession but on the basis of the rents and services that they owed under serfdom .
9 But the frequency with which women were thus brutalised depended not on the category of entrant they fell into but on whether Immigration Officers wanted to use these methods , and on the attitude of the Minister responsible .
10 Seeking to economise its use , Daedalus reflected that most wooden structures are limited not by the strength of wood , but by its stiffness .
11 Even those within the scheme are finding their rights to benefit in practice are limited not by the fact of marriage per se ( as in the 1930s ) , but by their caring responsibilities .
12 For appeals against sentences imposed by magistrates are heard not by the Court of Appeal , but by the Crown Court .
13 From the days of Walter Crane , Randolph Caldecott , Beatrix Potter , and Sir John Tenniel , through to Ardizzone and Sendak , children have been presented not with the watered-down and simplified but with the finest graphic work that established artists are able to produce .
14 It would also help convince them that politicians have decided not on the basis of the best orchestrated campaign but by seeking to occupy the high moral ground , wherever it might be found .
15 In the Supreme Court the guilt or innocence of the accused was decided not by the judge but the jury .
16 The followers or ‘ administrative staff are selected not on the basis of status or qualification , but according to personal devotion .
17 The principle appears to be related not to the Crown as such but to the Crown when performing a particular function .
18 The criterion must be sought not in the survival of traditional institutions , but in the question where power resides and how it is exercised .
19 Although the ALP suffered an adverse swing of approximately 6 per cent , the most significant gains were made not by the opposition coalition but by the Democrats ( whose share of the vote increased from 6 to 11 per cent ) and by independent and environmental candidates .
20 To be understood in its own terms , his policy should be seen not as the implementation of a " vision " of some future world order radically different from anything existing at the time , but as a series of practical initiatives to accelerate and to exploit an already occurring transformation .
21 The contradictions that are built into the term ‘ inner city ’ have to be seen not as the root of analytical uncertainty but as the source of rhetorical utility .
22 What he produced was a volume for which he really should have kept his title The Conduct of the Kitchen — a title borrowed incidentally from Meredith — because that was just what the book of menus was about : the logical and orderly conduct of a kitchen as related to daily life and seen not through the medium of a few isolated menus for special occasions , but as part of the natural order of everyday living .
23 And that but al as we said , a proportion of it we believe should be met not from the pension funds , but from the er from , from managers .
24 The philosophical message of Vegetius 's De re militari centred upon the need to defend the common good , and for that need to be met not by the employment of mercenaries but by members of the community adequately prepared to fight .
25 Although there were gaps in the system , such as the provision for small firms and for high-risk finance , the fundamental problem with the financing of industry in the UK was correctly attributed not to the lack of availability of external financing , but rather to the inadequacy of industrial performance .
26 Wolfenden was commissioned not by the state but by the Central Council of Physical Recreation ( CCPR ) , which had been set up in 1935 as a co-ordinating body for the many voluntary associations involved in the running of sport .
27 It is not surprising either to find that English visitors were hostile ; the notable point is that their real venom was unleashed not in the period before 1560 , when England and Scotland were nourishing their long-standing enmity , but afterwards , when they were officially allies , and particularly once the unthinkable and shameful had happened , and Scotland had given England a king , in the person of James VI in 1603 .
28 Such surplus as was created was used not for the accumulation of more wealth but , instead , was used for conspicuous consumption ( courts , fine clothing and castles ) or for wars against foreign foes .
29 What if Thatcher was re-elected not despite the repugnance that many feel of her image , but also in some sense because of it ?
30 Her antiseptic presence transformed Mr Sunderland 's office into a place where children were condemned not to the cane or detention but to threadworms or impetigo or a terrible weakness of the chest that could only be treated in some distant sanatorium .
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