Example sentences of "[vb pp] by the same [noun sg] " in BNC.

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31 We have already mentioned background music , although this should really be expanded to be the public address system , as almost always the background music is fed by the same amplification and uses the same speakers as the guest paging system .
32 All these facts concerning the particular mechanisms of the paper industry added together meant that it was quite unlikely that Rembrandt would buy two batches of paper prepared by the same paper mill using the same mould .
33 The [ draft ] FRS requires that the maturity of debt should be assessed according to the earliest date on which the lender could demand repayment , taking account of facilities granted by the same lender which may permit the refinancing of the debt .
34 Where any one or more of the earlier operations , however , also constituted transfers of value made by the same transferor , the value transferred by the earlier operations shall be treated as reducing the value transferred by all the operations taken together , except to the extent that the transfer constituted by the earlier operations ( but not that made by all the operations taken together ) is exempt under s18 of the Act ( see IRC v Brandenburg [ 1982 ] STC 555 at p468a , Fynn v IRC ( 1957 ) 37 TC 629 and Corbett 's Executors v IRC ( 1943 ) 25 TC 305 ) .
35 Apprised of this information , the computer print-outs ( ’ it 's all down to you , the draw will be made by the same computer that picked you to join the two out of every 100 households in the Barnard Castle area ’ ) are on their way by first-class post to Tom Champagne .
36 Since the models under consideration are made by the same firm ( Fleck and Drucker ) , the politique des auteurs is inescapable .
37 These differences could obviously prove useful in identifying batches of paper made by the same mould .
38 Inter-rater reliability ranges from 86 per cent to 92 per cent and intra-rater reliability ( agreement for the analysis of errors from a single test made by the same tester on different occasions ) is 91 per cent .
39 They could have been made by the same craftsman .
40 The Eighth is another Mercury production , made by the same team as the Dvořák .
41 Thus , the adjectives are prerecorded by the same speaker , at a rate of one every three seconds , and played back to subjects .
42 It can be seen by the same argument that if the effect of subjective risk was to systematically alter memory in any other way this would also have important consequences for the future avoidance of dangerous situations .
43 They do not , like other fines , go into the public purse but into the pocket of victims who have already been compensated by the same jury for damage to their reputation .
44 Since the whole database is regularly copied to tape for recovery purposes the archive will also be secured by the same operation .
45 Nature conservationists and farmers ( who both understand what does happen to abandoned land ) should know better , but in the past few years , seem to have become possessed by the same fear of some dark , prolific genie escaping from the bottle .
46 Water levels are coming up at exactly the same speed , and Chew and Blagdon are even being visited by the same migrant wildfowl .
47 He was sure that she was animated by the same desire .
48 By the way of contrast The Independent , building up a composite Independent person from figures supplied by the same research company ( TGI ) , announced that 23.9% of Independent readers have a household income exceeding £25,000 , 44.2% of them own a car , 31.4% own stocks and shares , 9% play cricket , 71.9% bought records in the last year and in the same period 51.2% purchased at least one pair of sports shoes while 14% spent over £50 in garden centres .
49 This contrasts with the YTM procedure ( shown in ( 5.10 ) ) , in which all cash flows are discounted by the same yield to maturity .
50 For a long period , they were opened by the same intelligence case officer as opened correspondence between William Black and the European Commission of Human Rights at Strasbourg .
51 A prized garden which has been tended by the same family for sixty years has been wrecked by an out-of-control car .
52 The amount of solid hazardous waste produced by the same operation fell by 79 per cent .
53 The documents , already signed by Mr. O'Brien , were produced by the same clerk .
54 Produced by the same team that wrote the ITT , the design workbook also made Pearl users fully aware of all the design decisions .
55 The three publications , all produced by the same team , have collected a total of nine top awards from the BAIE this year at national and regional level .
56 The glorious colours of the Painted Desert are produced by the same sort of red and green " marls " as we Europeans have in our Keuper .
57 He also hinted that the transformation of reptiles into birds was produced by the same mechanism .
58 Materials vary from weaving group to weaving group , and occasionally between different items produced by the same group .
59 Most artefacts are either the product of mass production , in which case they are identical to all others items produced by the same process , or else are intended as equal copies of a normative cultural notion , in which case , for example , all spears of the same type are intended to look alike .
60 Nor need the activities necessarily be performed by the same firm .
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