Example sentences of "[vb pp] by him [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Every case of sickness or misfortune is claimed by him as a judgement against the upstarts who dare to challenge the legitimacy of his rule .
2 The deaths of casuals or sudden or accidental deaths occurring among the inmates had to be reported by him to the Minister within twenty-four hours , and he had ‘ forthwith ’ to inform the master of every case of serious or dangerous illness in the institution .
3 Some matters , such as boundaries , will need to be resolved by him with the vendor 's solicitors .
4 The methods used by Walpole to derive the above bounds were later applied by him to the case of transversely isotropic inclusions in a homogeneous matrix .
5 ‘ All moneys received by the receiver shall be applied by him in the following order of priority ; ( 1 ) In satisfaction of all costs charges and expenses of and incidental to the appointment of the receiver and the exercise of any of his powers and all outgoings paid by him and his remuneration .
6 Governments would not be swayed , nor would ministers tremble , on receipt of elegantly crafted and crisply sarcastic Notes written by him on the antique encryption machine which could be seen in a corner of the office , slowly rusting away in the hot , salt air .
7 ‘ ( 4 ) Where a person elects not to perform an agreement which by virtue of this section is unenforceable against him or by virtue of this section recovers money paid or other property transferred by him under an agreement he shall repay any money and return any other property received by him under the agreement .
8 ‘ shall be unenforceable against the other party [ i.e. the investor ] ; and that party shall be entitled to recover any money or other property paid or transferred by him under the agreement , together with compensation for any loss sustained by him as a result of having parted with it .
9 Palmer 's views were shared by the other Northern Residents who , early in his career as Lieutenant-Governor , were organized by him into an effective pressure group known as the Conference of Residents .
10 On the day of her resignation , the immortal line , ‘ It 's a funny old world , was fed by him to the press and television at his final unattributable lobby briefing at Downing Street .
11 The tenant 's adviser should therefore press for an obligation on the landlord to notify the tenant of any application made by him to the President .
12 This is an important concession and reads as follows : B18 Payments out of a discretionary trust : entitlement to relief from UK tax under the provisions of the Income Tax Acts or of a double taxation agreement If a payment made by trustees falls to be treated as a net amount in accordance with TA 1988 s.687(2) and the income arising under the trust includes income in respect of which the beneficiary would , if such income came to him directly instead of through trustees , be entitled to relief under the provisions of the Income Tax Acts , eg TA 1988 , s.278 ( claims for personal reliefs by non-residents ) ; TA 1988 s.47 ( claims for exemption from tax on certain UK Government securities held by persons not ordinarily resident in the UK ) ; TA 1988 ss.48 , 123 ( claims for exemption from UK tax on income from overseas securities by persons not resident in the UK ) ; or under the terms of a double taxation agreement , such relief will be granted to the beneficiary on a claim made by him to the extent that the payment is of income which arose to the trustees not earlier than in the year 1973 – 74 and not earlier than six years before the end of the year of assessment in which the payment was made , provided that the trustees have submitted for each year trust returns which are supported by the relevant income tax certificates and which detail all sources of trust income arising and payments made to beneficiaries .
13 ( 2 ) … in relation to an institution in respect of which a payment falls to be made under section 58(2) above any reference in this Act to a depositor 's protected deposit is a reference to the liability of the institution to him in respect of — ( a ) the principal amount of each sterling deposit which was made by him with a United Kingdom office of the institution before the making of the administration order and which under the terms on which it was made is or becomes due or payable while the order is in force ; and ( b ) accrued interest on any such deposit up to the time when it is or becomes due and payable as aforesaid ; but so that the total liability of the institution to him in respect of such deposits does not exceed £20,000 .
14 Mr Heslop added that a court would not intervene in a management decision to dismiss a chief executive when allegations of bad faith were being made by him against the chairman and other board members .
15 … ( 5 ) The written record may , in any proceedings ( whether under the Act or otherwise ) be used as evidence against the bankrupt of any statement made by him in the course of his public examination .
16 More seriously , Judge Argyle was severely reprimanded by Lord Havers ‘ for a number of unfortunate remarks made by him in the course of a speech at Trent Polytechnic , Nottingham , on Friday , March 13 , 1987 ’ .
17 The position of women that Engels found when he was writing was therefore seen by him as the product of a moment of history .
18 The Cuban Communists , who for the first six months of 1959 had made policy proclamations which were cautiously but unequivocally more radical than Castro 's , subsequently found that they were fast being outstripped by him in the proposal of anti-capitalist measures .
19 One of these , Jimmie , was used by him for a harmless demonstration of the electrocardiogram at the Royal Society and became the subject of a famous parliamentary reply to a question from the anti-vivisection lobby ( Hansard , 8 July 1909 ) .
20 The word is used by him in a somewhat extenuated sense ; not the classical definition of a sacred narrative-cum-worldview of Levi-Strauss and the anthropologists , but the more ordinary sense of metaphor , image or symbol , ‘ rites ’ even , and especially ‘ mythologies within mythology ’ as Milton Wilson perceived .
21 He appealed against the conviction on the section 16(1) offence on the ground , inter alia , that the assistant recorder was wrong in law in holding and in so directing the jury that services offered by him as a self-employed accountant were capable of amounting to services provided under an ‘ office or employment ’ within the meaning of section 16(2) ( c ) of the Act .
22 Before the Appellate Committee Mr. Newman however relied on certain additional points which had apparently been raised by him before the Divisional Court , but which the court did not in the circumstances find it necessary to consider in its judgment .
23 ( This has been recovered by him in the price to the retailer of £690 . )
24 The grounds were that the work which the appellant offered to carry out when he presented himself to Mr. Burt and Mr. Hughes as a qualified accountant ( and the remuneration that he gained the opportunity to earn as a result ) were services to be provided by him as a self-employed fee-earning accountant , and therefore were to be provided neither under a contract of employment nor by virtue of his holding of an office within the meaning of section 16(2) ( c ) of the Theft Act 1968 .
25 The Old Testament bears frequent witness to Israel 's sense of being under attack from her God , and being brought by him to the verge of extinction .
26 However , someone other than the purchaser could be injured on account of the article 's negligent manufacture and an exclusion clause would provide no defence in an action brought by him against the manufacturer .
27 Which of course he could not — not the physical thing ; she knew that what she felt as a warmth of affection was experienced by him as a demand for that .
28 ( b ) Every partner must account to his co-partners for his private profits This is recognised in s29 of the Partnership Act : ( 1 ) Every partner must account to the firm for any benefit derived by him without the consent of the other partners from any transaction concerning the partnership , or from any use by him of the partnership property name or business connexion. ( 2 ) This section applies also to transactions undertaken after a partnership has been dissolved by the death of a partner , and before the affairs thereof have been completely wound up , either by any surviving partner or by the representatives of the deceased partner .
29 In his lecture ‘ Le Cubisme écartelé ’ given at the Section d'Or on 11 October and later added to Les Peintres Cubistes when the book was already in proof , Apollinaire divided Cubism into four categories , Orphism being the most advanced : ‘ It is the art of painting new harmonies out of elements borrowed not from visual reality but created entirely by the artist and endowed by him with a powerful presence .
30 It would appear that a large part of the answer was assumed by him from the outset and without argument .
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