Example sentences of "[vb pp] at the [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Discarded and shredded by the Bank of England and banknote manufacturer Thomas De La Rue , the paper money has been mixed at the Botanic Centre with sludge from a KP crisp factory on Teesside to form a peat-free compost .
2 These were that the maximum speed of flights was to be reduced from 835 kmph to 778 kmph and that the amount of time permitted at the lowest level of 75 metres was to be cut from 28 to 15 minutes , with the rest of the flight being made at no lower than 150 metres .
3 The air is compressed at the same frequency as the vibrations and then expands , compressing the air next to it .
4 Mehrabad , as previously mentioned , was attacked at the very beginning of the war .
5 Prototype units were designed at the international workshops and discussed and modified in the field for the APSP was far more decentralised than the Mathematics programme .
6 She had desperately scrambled at the shiny sides of the toilet-bowl as she slid into the water but to no avail .
7 Small holes were drilled at the appropriate places , to accept the pin of a large thumb-tack and the sleeve of my mechanical pencil .
8 This part of the task is very slow and time-consuming and if more than one plate is being constructed then they could be clamped together and all be drilled at the same time .
9 The stock dove almost disappeared from some areas , but , like other species that were hard-hit at the same time , it has since made a good recovery .
10 A nineteen twenties warplane is to be rebuilt at the same factory where it was made .
11 Croydon cars already had cushioned seats of the highest standard on both decks and chromium plated handrails , so that they required less modification than the ex-L.C.C. cars rebuilt at the same time .
12 She was educated at the Presbyterian Ladies ' College , Ormond College , and Melbourne University , where she studied philosophy and history ( BA 1903 ) .
13 He was educated at the Marischal College of Aberdeen and a private school in Chelsea , and from 1831 till 1835 he attended classes at the University of Edinburgh .
14 Educated at the Collegiate School , Liverpool , he graduated in 1930 with distinction in history and law from Gonville and Caius College , Cambridge , where he won the Cecil Peace prize ( 1928 ) and became president of the Union ( 1930 ) .
15 J. H. Newsom ( later Sir John ) was born in 1910 and educated at the Imperial Services College and Queen 's College , Oxford .
16 Educated at the Nonconformist Bruce Castle School , in 1848 he was elected a pensioner of Jesus College , Cambridge ; he was a senior wrangler in 1852 .
17 Descartes could not avoid being a product of the Counter-Reformation , having been educated at the Jesuit College of La Flèche .
18 From the age of thirteen he was educated at the Jesuit College of St Omer , France , winning the laurel wreath for French studies .
19 Bromhead had been educated at the private school for the deaf in Rugby and was a fluent writer and reader of German , French and Latin .
20 He was educated at the private school for the deaf at Rugby , and then by private tutors — all entirely by sign language and fingerspelling , as was his sister .
21 Educated at the Inner Temple , he became a friend of Sir Francis Drake and Sir Walter Ralegh [ qq.v. ] , and commanded the local stannary regiment during the Armada campaign of 1588 .
22 He was educated at the Royal Liberty School , Romford , and , after a brief sojourn in banking , at Pembroke College , Cambridge , where he won cricket blues in 1931 , 1932 , and 1933 .
23 Thomson was born in Bangalore , India , in 1894 and was educated at the Royal School for Deaf Children , Margate , in England before he went to study art at the London Art School , Kensington , and exhibited at the Royal Academy from 1920 .
24 He was educated at the Royal School , Armagh , and graduated from the Royal University of Ireland in 1884 and from Trinity College , Dublin , in 1885 .
25 He was educated at the Royal Grammar School , Lancaster .
26 He was educated at the Royal Belfast Institution and then at Queen 's University , Belfast , studying science in his first year then switching to philosophy .
27 Born in February 1924 , he was educated at the Royal Belfast Academical Institution and the University of London , where he studied law .
28 He was educated at the High School , Hampstead ; Cumming 's College , outside Boulogne ; Westcliff College , Ramsgate ; and Craven College , Highgate .
29 A Calvinistic Methodist , Ellis was educated at the British School , Llandderfel , and then at the grammar school in Bala .
30 Merrick was educated at the local board school in Syston Street , Leicester .
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