Example sentences of "[vb pp] at a different [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Can it be done at a different place ?
2 Can it be done at a different time ?
3 ‘ They all looked as though they 'd been written at a different time from the rest of the notes on the cards .
4 Although her much earlier work of semi-architectural constructions on a theatrical scale hinted at a different sort of audience participation , away from that of the story telling object , it has taken till now for her to challenge the viewer in an open way .
5 In Reardon Smith Line Ltd v Hansen Tangen [ 1976 ] 1 WLR 989 , shipbuilders contracted to build a vessel to a certain specification at Yard No 354 at Osaka Zosen , but the ship was in fact built at a different yard , the House of Lords did not consider these words of location as being part of the identity of the vessel .
6 If the sound is played at a different speed , only adjustment of the volume control is necessary to make it sound as it did before .
7 These teeth are also shorter and set at a different angle from the other teeth .
8 The timing control allows your heating to come on up to six times a day , with each time set at a different temperature .
9 Early in 1971 Waddell was found guilty of committing perjury at Meehan 's trial and in sentencing him to three years ' imprisonment Lord Cameron suggested that had he told the truth there , the Meehan jury might well have arrived at a different verdict .
10 This idea that protect children , not tell them about what 's happening , I mean if anybody can protect them to that extent when even Neighbours is put at a different time on the television , you know , erm that somehow we make them warm and secure by not telling them , to me that is making them dependent and unable maybe to cope later on in their lives .
11 Furthermore , each child learned at a different pace in every subject area and this pace was uneven , reflecting the whole range of influences upon the child external to life in school .
12 Yeah , she was telling us about it that girl , in wr in writing , what it , she was telling us it , about it being formed at a different venue , but it 's actually the Mary Wallis Theatre .
13 For example , we have withdrawal groups for music , not that their ordinary subjects are disrupted in this way , but it can be so organized on the timetable that they are withdrawn at a different period each week , and getting together , for example , to play in the school orchestra erm is of terrific value .
14 Scottish psychiatric services have developed at a different pace and in a somewhat different form from those south of the border .
15 A practical circus consists of a series of tasks each placed at a different position in the room .
16 compatibility with existing phonographs did not matter , because dictation cylinders rotated at a different speed anyway .
17 Closure of Harefield Hospital is recommended , although the transplantation programme is likely to be maintained at a different site ( at Northwick Park , the Royal Brompton , or Oxford ) .
18 Both books have a different style of writing aimed at a different kind of reader .
19 Each non-inverting input voltage is held at a different level , the connection nearest pin 4 being the lowest voltage , and the connection nearest pin 6 being the highest .
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