Example sentences of "[vb pp] at [art] [noun] that " in BNC.

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1 However , it must be stressed at the outset that we can do no more here than to indicate the basic principles involved , and give illustrations of a few of the almost innumerable variants of basic methods that exist .
2 It should be stressed at the outset that maintaining that large companies are social enterprises involves no necessary finding that the root principle beneath the current rules of company law , that companies exist to make profits for the benefit of shareholders , is unsatisfactory .
3 It must be stressed at the outset that correct identification is the chief problem .
4 It has to be stressed at the outset that all sites provided some level of economic servicing , which will have originated in several ways .
5 Her voice very nearly cracked at the thought that Fen might have been making love to his girlfriend only feet away from where she , Robbie , lay .
6 Last week witnesses for the Central Electricity Generating Board claimed at the inquiry that work around the world had already shown that the ballooning phenomenon is not as critical as once feared .
7 Having been brought up as patriots , they were benumbed at the thought that there was to be a conflict between their country and all the beliefs that they held dear .
8 In narratives as diverse as Jane Eyre and Great Expectations , we are aware , when reading , of a certain inevitability of outcome : the writer has us by the hand — in his or her hand , almost — and we know we will be led , not necessarily to a happy conclusion but that the narrative will be resolved at a place that feels safe and right , that leaves us satisfied .
9 It is of no consequence once it is accepted that the God to serve humanity originated at the moment that life first became manifest , and combined with the material of the universe to start the long process of producing living creatures with the capacity to enjoy life and all that that involves .
10 With regard to the Bill before us today , education is a most important issue and I doubt whether the House , despite the intentions of the few who are actively interested , has looked at the problems that have arisen .
11 Chapters 6 and 7 have looked at the way that books can be evaluated , and at the sources for evaluation .
12 Has he looked at the way that they are used by individual police forces ?
13 We 've looked at the benefits that would accrue from providing traffic relief along the A sixty one corridor .
14 We 've put those together , we 've looked at the staff that we need to administer that particular level of activity , and we 've come out with a figure that we think is a reasonable estimate , in fact I would go so far as saying , we think this is the lowest estimate that we can safely put forward , as to our needs for the coming year .
15 So far we have looked at the view that sex differences affect the way in which the police and the courts act toward offenders , and that this enables women to escape criminalisation to a greater extent than men .
16 Looked at the Sony that needs erm
17 In particular , prepayments for insurance will be carried at the amount that can be realised on the cancellation of the policy .
18 The committee became so unnerved at the thought that the club premises might be under threat that when I said I knew how to deal with these bounders , but it could only be as chairman , they swallowed it hook , line and sinker .
19 It was reported at the time that ten or more navvies met their death fighting and falling from scaffolding as this tunnel is unusually high and was built to accommodate double tracks .
20 It was reported at the time that Yorkshire secretary J.H. Nash considered Fiddling inconsistent , although capable of brilliance .
21 Interestingly , The Times reported at the time that not enough professional people served on juries , and that manual workers and the unemployed did not ‘ represent a cross section of society ’ made up by juries .
22 Eighteenth-century politics have long had an unsavoury reputation , and although in the case of Scotland much of that reputation can be traced to the persuasive , but not strictly accurate , writings of Henry Cockburn and other Whig reformers of the early nineteenth century , it must be conceded at the outset that there is something to be said for the received account .
23 The effectiveness of the market for control rests on the proposition ( ’ the efficient market hypothesis ’ ) that stock markets behave rationally , that is , that shares are priced at a level that reflects a company 's prospects under existing management and that prices are not merely the outcome of speculations on the part of market participants about each other 's behaviour , causing price and underlying value to become detached .
24 Marie , still in her pyjamas , was sitting slumped at the table that took up most of the floor space : you had to squeeze round it to move about at all in the tiny kitchen , and Marie 's legs had permanent bruises from its sharp comers .
25 It is important , however , to ensure that any move from the present regime to a simplified system should be done at a pace that minimizes the dislocation of people 's personal finances .
26 Am I alone in feeling threatened at the thought that audit is supervised by direct employees of the family health services authority ?
27 Supercomputing — High-performance computers costing millions of pounds can not be sited at every university that needs their computational power ; Yet the vast amounts of data they produce require advanced data visualisation techniques for their human understanding .
28 It is dated December 1959 , and may therefore have been written at the time that Take a girl like you was being completed .
29 His features were strong and rather austere , and his high cheekbones gave him a distinction that was all his own , though the line of his well-cut mouth hinted at a sensuality that disturbed her without her knowing why .
30 But nobody ever so much as hinted at the possibility that she might return .
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