Example sentences of "[vb pp] at [art] [noun] it " in BNC.

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1 In future , companies joining a group with such losses will be allowed to use them only against gains on other assets owned at the time it was acquired .
2 We may notice too that since pleasures tend to fade unless varied at every recurrence it is difficult to distinguish in practice between the man who lives for pleasure and the man who lives for new experiences .
3 Well it automatically comes on you see it it 's all frozen at the moment it will probably shoot out itself I did try it once to try and pull it out but , I think
4 I doubt if he 'd , I mean if he 'd looked at the constitution it was only a constitution , it was oh yes , that 's their constitution .
5 ‘ Now I 'm in the voucher scheme I feel safer knowing that the council has looked at the people it employs , and if there 's any difficulty I can go to Joan [ the manager ] . ’
6 If she 'd confessed at the beginning it would n't have been so bad , but how could she tell them now ?
7 ‘ If it were sold at the price it needs to be to make a profit it would be a collector 's item , ’ says Peter Osborne , Marlow 's sales and marketing director .
8 well I can understand that , yes well I , I , I , just say was n't going to rule on this and I 'm not in , not er convinced at the moment it would be appropriate to rule on it er as part of the er , in any judgment I gave , but it seemed to me quite important on reflection to , to hear the way what you were putting it
9 Well it 's been no , no , it 's , it 's condemned at the moment it 's not safe .
10 The Court of Appeal doubted the validity of trespass ab initio , as it meant that lawful acts could be made unlawful by subsequent events and the lawfulness of an act should be judged at the time it took place .
11 It 's Of the total amount you 've spent in the last year , both on your own , how much have you spent at the main It does n't ask you how much you spent anywhere .
12 H. P. All the uniform was stamped at the time it was issued .
13 Unless a decision to the contrary is taken at the A.G.M. it has been decided to keep the subscription at the 1989-90 level , namely £5 .
14 Grief will find an expression at some time , and if it is not allowed at the time it occurs , then it will be much more difficult to deal with when it is triggered by an event in later life .
15 But I think we see that with the capital programme , that quite clearly you 're erm , having to take into account the fact that capital spend erm , can not be er maintained at the level it has in the past , and indeed I believe you are talking about this matter , er , later on this morning .
16 Had the tax been implemented at the time it would have noticeably increased the number of tax exiles who were leaving the country , for never mind pop-stars and sportsmen , it would have been even worth the while of middle management to seek a place in the ex-colonial countries , or to learn a new tongue for residence in a foreign land , simply in order to achieve some savings and improve his family life and provide for dependants .
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