Example sentences of "[vb pp] at [adv] [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 But , such was her superiority over Good For The Roses and 17 others that she could have won at almost any distance .
2 Several lines of evidence indicate that metazoans originated at around that time , such as a decline in the diversity of stromatolites , possibly indicative of grazing and burrowing of the microbial-mat communities by metazoans .
3 I often wonder you know , whether they do n't like your money cos you 'd amazed at however much wealth they possess , but if you do get inside it 's amazing the collection that they that they round here , they used to collect red glass , and er Spode
4 It is however possible for one of their number to come back the next day and give the decision , the findings of fact and the reasons of the court , considered at rather more leisure than sometimes time will permit .
5 you 've done at least some work in the last two weeks ' maths lessons .
6 Space has allowed me to use only a fraction of the wealth of material provided ; I only hope I have not made too many mistakes or significant omissions and have done at least some justice to all .
7 Sometimes fish need to be separated at very little notice and unfortunately not every hobbyist has the space or funds to facilitate a spare tank .
8 It stated that anyone who moved into a property valued at less that £10 a year could be sent back to the place where he or she was last legally settled if they were likely to become chargeable to the poor rates .
9 The goodwill in such cases is commonly valued at so many weeks betting receipts ( often three to four weeks ' is used ) .
10 So it does need managing you 're quite right , and I 'm , I was gobsmacked at how many hours were on .
11 And people stressing a cost factor as important were relatively likely to say they had had at least some choice between different credit arrangements , whereas people stressing convenience were relatively likely to say there had been only one possibility ( though differences were small ) .
12 This allows them to be produced at virtually any size and in a number of different styles as required .
13 Income seems more closely related to whether or not people have ever used any form of credit than any other characteristic : the higher someone 's income ( at least up to a certain level ) , the more likely they are to have used at least some sort of credit sometime .
14 represents a future to be avoided at almost any cost .
15 For decades the revolutionaries had rejected outright capitalism , the bourgeoisie , and the Western path in general ; they had seen the creation of a propertyless proletariat as a disaster to be avoided at almost any cost and had sought to move directly to socialism based on the commune .
16 The Countess , like the Merry Widow , could be played at almost any age providing she was elegant .
17 There is no reason why it could n't have been invented at almost any time in the previous century — it used no new scientific knowledge , no new materials , and no new technology .
18 For the next few years American audiences were shown aspects of their society that they could never have expected to have encountered at the movies and it must have struck at least some members of the public that film-going had become a more serious business .
19 The Derwent 's energy cost savings were £3,000 in the first year and now run at more that £4,000 a year .
20 Only Athenian citizens could profit by allotments of land as ‘ cleruchs ’ ( literally , ‘ allotment-holders ’ ) and it may be more than chance that the qualifications for Athenian citizenship are more closely defined at just this moment ( 451 ) : citizen descent was now required on both sides ( Ath .
21 Therefore the intensity of the photodiode signal is modulated at twice this frequency : .
22 Perhaps it 's a matter that erm needs to be discussed at rather more length than that .
23 Evaluation is situated outside the central pattern and can be inserted at virtually any stage during a narrative .
24 Keynes ' work was directed at yet another source of market failure — inadequate information available to market traders , in particular firms and workers , so that the market can not achieve the equilibrium wage rate at which there would be full employment .
25 The warehouse has been empty for many years , but holding repairs have meant at least that water penetration to the fabric is reduced .
26 One must be conscious of the pressures under which local authority social workers operate , particularly in boroughs such as that with which this case is concerned , but nonetheless one might have hoped that the letter would have received at least some acknowledgement .
27 In particular , every pupil should be given at least some experience of the plays or poetry of Shakespeare .
28 Transmission dates : 6 December — a 30-minute programme looking at five years of the series ; 7–11 and 14–18 December — a series of five-minute programmes at about 8pm and repeated at 11.20pm each night on BBC2 .
29 The recent nomination of a woman as Assistant Bishop of Massachusetts , and the remarks of one diocesan bishop that ‘ the ordination of women to the priesthood must be achieved at practically any cost ’ will cause great despair and lead to grave questioning of all that the Church of England has stood for .
30 If policy were to concentrate on the ghetto poor — those socially segregated in inner cities whose manufacturing jobs have fled to the suburbs — it could be aimed at very few places .
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