Example sentences of "[vb pp] on all [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 My idea of prison was that it was somewhere where you were locked up and picked on all the time — that was my impression .
2 Voluntary contributions to the ‘ poor boxes ’ in the parish churches proved less and less adequate to maintain those in need , and from time to time a tax , or rate , was levied on all the property in the parish ; the proceeds were then used by the churchwardens and by ‘ overseers of the poor ’ to support the old , the sick and orphans , to provide work for the able-bodied poor , and accommodation for the homeless .
3 He will require a check to be made on all the radio navigation and approach aids and reports to be produced .
4 Because of the automatic override system used on all the winch tow release hooks , this is now an extremely rare cause of accidents .
5 Okay so we are , w w we 're now in a position of , certainly by nineteen forty nine we 're , we 're on the verge of power , we want l we , land reform is not taking place any more , there are still some areas in the north it has n't taken place out in the far north west it has n't taken place , so we , we , we are going to need a new land reform document based on all the experience we 've got which will carry us through and , and it 's really that land reform document , document that we are going to implement for the whole of China , and it 's going to be that document which really is going to abolish feudalism and create some sort of equality .
6 Michael was also fastened on all the time . ’
7 Kopyion had expressed a great deal of interest in these killings but had not passed on all the information available to him .
8 Generators powered by a free energy source can be left on all the time , perpetually recharging the batteries and , provided they are of an adequate size , can handle the charging demand of all but the largest yachts for most of the time .
9 Toll-booths were established on all the entrance roads to the town .
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