Example sentences of "[vb pp] with them [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Recently many artificial fibres , such as nylon , made in chemical factories , have replaced cotton or wool , or they are mixed with them in the spinning or weaving process .
2 I mean you get Sweet Fanny Adams done with them on the run up to Christmas anyway , E.l.S .
3 How much business have you done with them over the last year ?
4 He was enthusiastic about the paper being located in Manchester , whereas Pilger had clashed with them over the move .
5 The Gnomes had rolled the designs for the new Crown Jewels into cylinders and packed them carefully into long , hollow tubes , which they had brought with them for the purpose .
6 When they had recovered they hurriedly cooked and ate the ration of cold rice they had brought with them from the barracks and swallowed a mouthful or two of water .
7 On 28 April , the Caucasians joined Domanov 's Cossacks on the retreat into Austria , surrendered with them to the British 78 Div on 8 May and remained encamped east of Lienz near Dellach .
8 It was suggested in 1948 by two refugees from Nazi-occupied Austria , Hermann Bondi and Thomas Gold , together with a Briton , Fred Hoyle , who had worked with them on the development of radar during the war .
9 Their contention was that the constable must have a specific fear in mind ; ‘ he must be able to say which pit , which miners and when , ’ and that it must have been clear from the words and deeds of the appellants themselves ( and the others associated with them on the spot ) that a breach of the peace would ensue .
10 He hated changing in front of others — and this from a man who played rugby with fourteen other men week in week out for years and must have huddled with them in the cramped and corrugated spaces of dressing rooms up and down the country .
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