Example sentences of "[vb pp] with the same [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The Governor 's sanctum was a leviathan suffused with the same dreary red light .
2 Firstly , in my setting could the interventions listed be applied with the same likely success as in the time period and setting reflected in the league table ?
3 Model biles were prepared with the same lipid concentration as above but with different phospholipids .
4 When the Reeve likens himself to an " " open-ers " " he associates himself with Nicholas in the tale just passed , and can thus be attributed with the same wry self-reflection as the Miller shows in attaching himself to John the carpenter .
5 Even the pain of finally finding out that he and Harry Martin were painted with the same filthy brush did n't hurt as much as that careless indictment .
6 The written word always has a special sanctity and more so if it is from a contemporary source , but it needs to be examined with the same ruthless and objective scrutiny as given to the archaeological evidence .
7 Now this — Ruth Cohen and her stolen file , and I was filled with the same strange , tingling excitement .
8 Today we can talk about sex without modesty or fear , but bring up the subject of death and you will be treated with the same social horror as if you had brought up the subject of masturbation at a Victorian ladies ' tea party .
9 A collection of nondescript prints , for example , can be given a sense of unity if each is mounted with the same distinctive colour : camel or chrome yellow or red , whichever fits in best with the room , and then edged all in the same way with a thin strip of wood or chrome or brass .
10 Then for an hour , of course , every bemused latecomer — and there were dozens — was greeted with the same ironical cries and laughter .
11 So , with the exception of the boy Matthew , who was marked with the same ruthless stamp as himself , he grudgingly tolerated the ‘ intruders ’ brought under his roof , and whom he had come to resent beyond reason ; perhaps because he saw in them his own failure as a family man .
12 Whether you 've stuck with the same old style for years , want to find out the options for covering grey or simply want to learn how to manage your hair better , Charles will demonstrate practical ways to help you make the most of your hair .
13 While the portrayal of disability issues in the arts arena should be viewed with the same critical eye as the presentation of issues in the political arena , we should also take care not to underestimate the role of the arts in assisting the processes of change .
14 given the circumstances and difficulties outlined above , it must be certain that the refusals will include perfectly good payers , simply because they are stamped with the same circumstantial warning signs as the bad payers .
15 Now both of us were being served with the same standard British Airways scrambled egg and bacon breakfast .
16 It could be argued that if a claim for damages is based on a claim that a governmental body has acted illegally in a public law sense , then the damages claim should be attached to an AJR and be saddled with the same procedural restrictions as would apply to an AJR .
17 The magistrate would also appear to have been infected with the same cheerful disposition : even allowing for the ravages of inflation , a ten shillings fine is a somewhat less than draconian response to a charge of pushing a policeman 's head through a shop window .
18 In other words , the two meanings ‘ male cousin ’ and ‘ female cousin ’ are both associated with the same lexical unit cousin , whose meaning is more general than either ; they therefore do not represent distinct senses of cousin .
19 PBC has been associated with the same rheumatological diseases .
20 ‘ Guy 's mother , however , is not graced with the same generous instincts as the major , ’ Daphne warned .
21 She was wearing a short fitted coat of wine-red velvet above her dress , with a bonnet trimmed with the same dark fur .
22 The edges of those fins are trimmed with the same blue colour .
23 Many are being refitted with the same smart new decor which will make them easier to spot on the high street .
24 While the Royal Commission has never been accused of acting as an arm of government , its inquiries are not conducted with the same open-eyed approach to political manipulation as are those of the Select Committees of the House of Lords or House of Commons .
25 The foreground is also strengthened with the same sweeping strokes .
26 Are we not faced with the same old story of a badly managed project with inadequate monitoring — in other words , Government incompetence ?
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