Example sentences of "[vb pp] with [art] same [noun sg] " in BNC.

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31 Nivelle 's campaign in Champagne opened on 19 April and met with the same fate as most earlier attacks : some 120,000 Frenchmen fell before the German machine-guns and by the day 's end an advance of only 550m/600yds had been made , in tragic contrast to Nivelle 's expected g.6km/6mls .
32 She halfexpected to find Griselda 's body , guessing that it might have met with the same fate as Melusina .
33 If this was the case , then there must be enough grounds for proper charges , said Mr Bruce , but every enquiry he made , to police , social work , or the Children 's Panel Reporter , Gordon Sloan , was met with the same answer : ‘ Investigations are continuing . ’
34 The report also drew attention to a recent interview given by a Vice-President , Seyed Ataollah Mohajerani , to the Iranian news agency IRNA in which he had said " because the enemy has nuclear facilities , the Moslem states too should be equipped with the same capacity " .
35 In addition to the work being carried out in the UNEP HQ at Nairobi and in the GEMS/GRID site in Geneva , a series of GRID regional nodes are now being set up world-wide , each equipped with the same hardware and software and local subsets of the data .
36 In the Lutheran lands the ‘ spiritual song ’ was cultivated with the same variety of treatment , often by the same composer .
37 Of course it is considered better to have a boy , but the birth of a girl is celebrated with the same joy by the women in the family .
38 To every breathed consonant ( other than the glottal stop ) there is a corresponding voiced consonant , ie one produced with the same position or movement of the articulating organs , but with voice substituted for breath or vice versa .
39 The material used for X is quite different from that used for Y but both may be produced with the same labour force .
40 Often caused a plant which can , according to ordinary rules , be transplanted at one place , not to admit of this being accomplished with the same advantage at another place , but particular treatment is often required at each place .
41 It behoves all who wish journalists and broadcasters to enjoy " rights " to acknowledge that others have valid claims to legal protection as well — to lead a private life , to undergo a trial free from sensational prejudice , and to have false accusations corrected with the same prominence as they are made .
42 The substitution items need to be of the same class , so they can be used with the same frame .
43 It is also an independent feeding method which involves a separate rod and line to lower the dropper in , or , if used with the same rod and line with which you are fishing , takes up precious minutes of time when your hookbait could be in the water ; valuable minutes when the barbel are mad on feed .
44 A third series is being developed with the same objective .
45 The general fast was not regarded with the same favour everywhere ; in London it was dubbed ‘ General Farce ’ by the National Union of the Working Classes , which organised a demonstration .
46 While the bowlers are in their most attacking mode of the contest , the concession of runs is regarded with the same distaste that Ian Botham showed toward Jimmy Connolly 's impersonation of the Queen at the World Cup Dinner .
47 Bearmail brought together a broad range of bear shapes and sizes , each individually christened with the same affection as bestowed on the childhood comforter .
48 In these circumstances an election campaign was to be waged with the same zeal which would otherwise be reserved for a parliamentary election .
49 ( x ) Put the slide at once into a Coplin jar filled with the same fixative and leave for at least 20 min .
50 A recent prospective study of high grade gastric lymphoma found that survival was similar in patients who underwent complete , incomplete , or no surgical therapy before chemotherapy and that the prognostic factors predicting survival were similar to those in patients with nodal lymphoma treated with the same chemotherapy regimen .
51 It is a rogue professional body , and it is being treated with the same kind of contempt that the air traffic controllers were treated by the Reagan administration in the United States . ’
52 The belief that ‘ meaning is in the text ’ , which represents a particular and currently powerful aspect of the search for ‘ literal meaning ’ , should be treated with the same scepticism with which we confront Luther 's claims .
53 All these guitars have slim necks , which helps to make the beginner 's life easier , and providing they are treated with the same care and respect as more expensive instruments , they should give good service for many years .
54 It is sad that film sound-tracks are not treated with the same care that goes into the pictures .
55 The number of centenarians , which rose by 650 as of September 1 , compared with the same date last year , was the highest in 23 years , the Health and Welfare Ministry said .
56 Bonhams has announced that its turnover from the first quarter of 1992 is 34 per cent up compared with the same quarter of 1991 .
57 If there 's a rise compared with the same quarter last year , could there be a good reason , perhaps a new baby or a recently retired person spending more time at home ?
58 First quarter results , while down a drastic 80% compared with the same quarter last year , at least showed a profit of $0.8 million , notching up DG 's second profitable quarter in a row and making six profitable quarters out of the last eight .
59 The manager must be able to act decisively by , for example , bringing in more lower paid staff to assist in mundane areas thus increasing productivity when compared with the same work being done at more senior level .
60 Scientific tests recorded a great reduction in satiety level when subjects were fed apple juice ( apples with their fibre removed ) compared with the same quantity of apples eaten whole .
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