Example sentences of "[vb pp] for him [prep] his " in BNC.

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1 A velvet court dress made for him by his fellow tailors is to go on show at the Croydon Museum .
2 At this point the Bosnian refugee leaped on to the stage on a small wooden horse , designed and built for him by his mother .
3 There was space then for her free-fall to be guided , even as Lucifer 's had been guided , across the vast vacuity , down to a home prepared for him by his enemy .
4 Joshua Morris looked down his calendar of events , carefully prepared for him by his secretary .
5 She liked his quiet manner , his bookish looks , his thin hands emerging from the voluminous sleeves of jerseys knitted for him by his mother who plainly , in her mind 's eye , saw him as a strapping youth of six foot two .
6 One lunchtime Minton , wearing what seemed to her a hideous sweater knitted for him by his mother , sat opposite her in the school restaurant .
7 The Prophet , having missed his first killing strike , realised he would have to move fast to avoid capture by the trap set for him by his hated enemy .
8 Mr. Beck was a formidably powerful personality and doubtless would have passed any examination set for him in his profession — indeed , he did so .
9 Dustin seemed to behave towards fame with a certain cynicism , rather like Ben Braddock at the party thrown for him by his parents to celebrate his graduation .
10 LOUTH pensioner and long serving employee , known to his friends as , celebrated his 80th birthday with a surprise party thrown for him by his family and friends .
11 He had liked Susan Moffat who , for two years , had worked for him as his S.O .
12 He completed his studies and married a girl chosen for him by his parents .
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