Example sentences of "[vb pp] for [art] [adj] term " in BNC.

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1 During the two phases of Pilot schemes , which were essentially experimental , detailed policy could only be formulated for the short term but , as the new system is becoming established , this letter is able to state policy for a longer period .
2 The official definition of long-term unemployment is more than twelve months without work , although employment training , which is designed for the long term unemployed , requires entrants to have been on the register for more than six months .
3 These drugs are recommended for the short term treatment ( one to two weeks ) of acute constipation and as a purgative before diagnostic and therapeutic endoscopy .
4 The money , which should have been paid in advance , is owed for the final term of 6 girls who 've since left the college .
5 If the draftsman wishes to create a lease for a period that can not be made certain at the time of the demise the only way is to express it as being granted for a fixed term subject to a power to break at the expiry of the period .
6 They had invested for the long term , if not in imperial unity ( and significantly , nothing was said at Worms about emperorship or empire ) , then in the coexistence of Lothar and Charles in the regnum francorum .
7 Usually , these deals can be negotiated for a short term .
8 These may be production workers but they may also be senior people ; managers hired for a fixed term and technologists and others used as consultants .
9 He was due to be inaugurated for a five-year term on Feb. 7 , 1991 , the fifth anniversary of the overthrow of the Duvalier regime .
10 Fiji 's executive President was to be appointed for a five-year term by the Great Council of Chiefs , which would also nominate 24 Melanesians to the 34-member Senate .
11 The Egyptian Foreign Affairs Minister and Deputy Prime Minister Ahmed Esmat Abdel Meguid , 68 , was appointed for a five-year term as Secretary-General of the Arab League on May 14 .
12 Agreements there have generally been concluded for an indefinite term and ( linked with this ) no ‘ peace obligation ’ has arisen by the application of the agreement , in contrast to Germany .
13 Under the FSM 's electoral system the 14-member Congress was composed of 10 senators , each elected for a two-year term , and four at-large senators — one each elected for a four-year term from the four states , Chuuk ( formerly known as Truk ) , Kosrae , Pohnpei and Yap .
14 The North Atlantic Treaty Organization ( NATO ) Assembly , comprising legislators from 16 member countries , elected Loïc Bouvard of France as president on Nov. 19 ; Bouvard , 63 , the first Frenchman to hold the post in 33 years , was elected for a two-year term to succeed Charles Rose , a member of the US Congress .
15 Under the provisions of the 1982 Constitution executive power is exercised by a President elected for a four-year term by a simple majority of votes .
16 The 1949 Constitution established Costa Rica as a democratic state with an executive President directly elected for a four-year term .
17 Legislative power is held by a unicameral Legislative Assembly similarly elected for a four-year term .
18 Legislative power is held by a 72-member unicameral National Congress , similarly elected for a four-year term ( with 60 members elected on a provincial basis every two years and 12 members elected for a four-year term on a national basis ) .
19 Legislative power is held by a 72-member unicameral National Congress , similarly elected for a four-year term ( with 60 members elected on a provincial basis every two years and 12 members elected for a four-year term on a national basis ) .
20 There is an executive President and a Congress consisting of a 114-member Senate and a 199-member House of Representatives , the President and Congress being directly elected for a four-year term .
21 Legislative authority is held by the bicameral Congress , comprising a 27-member Senate and a 130-member Chamber of Deputies , both elected for a four-year term by universal adult suffrage .
22 The 1980 Constitution , which was put into effect in March 1981 [ see pp. 30619-20 ; 30931 ] , provided for the re-establishment , effective 1989 , of the bi-cameral National Congress , consisting of a Senate of 38 elected and nine appointed members , all of whom were to serve an eight-year term , and a Chamber of Deputies whose 120 members were to be directly elected for a four-year term .
23 The Kingdom of Norway is a parliamentary monarchy ; executive power is vested formally in the king ( currently Olav V ) and effectively in the Prime Minister and the Council of State ( Cabinet ) ; legislative power is vested in the 165-member Parliament ( Storting ) elected for a four-year term .
24 Elected for a six-year term by universal suffrage ( or by a 301-member electoral college in case no candidate obtains an absolute majority ) , the President appoints a Cabinet under a Prime Minister , which must enjoy the confidence of the 200-member parliament ( Eduskunta ) , elected for a four-year term .
25 The unicameral 300-member Chamber of Deputies is elected for a four-year term by universal adult suffrage under a system of reinforced proportional representation .
26 The Kingdom of Thailand ( formerly Siam ) is a constitutional monarchy with a bicameral parliament consisting of a 261-member Senate appointed by the monarch , currently King Bhumipol Adulyadej , on the recommendation of the Prime Minister , and a 347-member House of Representatives elected for a four-year term by universal adult suffrage .
27 The 28-member Consell General de las Valls ( General Council of the Valleys ) , elected for a four-year term , has , since reforms introduced in 1981 , appointed an Executive Council , introducing for the first time a separation between the executive and legislative arms of government .
28 In the Kingdom of Denmark legislative authority is vested jointly in the monarch , currently Queen Margrethe II , and in a unicameral parliament ( Folketing ) , whose 179 members are elected for a four-year term .
29 Under its 1949 Basic Law ( Constitution ) , the Federal Republic of Germany ( West Germany ) is a " democratic and social federal state " whose organs are ( i ) the Federal Diet ( Bundestag ) , the lower house of parliament , comprising 497 members elected for a four-year term by a mixed system of proportional representation and direct voting , and 22 members elected by the West Berlin House of Representatives ; ( ii ) the Federal Council ( Bundesrat ) , the upper house of parliament , comprising 41 members of the governments of the Republic 's 10 Länder ( states ) and four representatives appointed by the West Berlin Senate ; ( iii ) the Federal President ( Bundespräsident — currently Richard von Weizsäcker ) elected for a five-year term by the Federal Assembly ( Bundesversammlung ) comprising the members of the Bundestag and an equal number of delegates nominated by the Länder parliaments ; and ( iv ) the federal government ( Bundesregierung ) consisting of the Federal Chancellor ( Bundeskanzler — currently Helmut Kohl ) elected by the Bundestag on the proposal of the Federal President and his or her ministers .
30 Under the 1924 Constitution the Republic has an executive President and a National Congress consisting of a 120-member Chamber of Deputies and a 20-member Senate , President and Congress being directly elected for a four-year term .
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