Example sentences of "[vb pp] for [art] [noun sg] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Where value has at any time been given for a bill the holder is deemed to be a holder for value as regards the acceptor and all parties to the bill who became parties prior to such time .
2 The Council became a genuinely learning process , and once the name of the game had been defined as aggiornamento , once ecumenical understanding and co-operation with other Christians had been moved from the presupposition of ‘ dangerous ’ to that of ‘ Christian ’ and ‘ highly desirable ’ , there developed for a while a new logic which could not easily be denied .
3 The latter had been intended for the scrap-yard a short while earlier .
4 But this merely delayed for a while the inevitable .
5 In the 1650s patriarch Nikon claimed for the Church an autonomy which exasperated Alexis I , the most pious and gentle of tsars .
6 The city council now plans to introduce more security patrols but the AA is now campaigniung for a change a law … so that car parks can be set minimum safety and security standards .
7 Harlow should of applied for a designation a long time ago if Harlow had been designated then surrounding councils would have had to live up their responsibilities to provide adequate sites for travellers which they have not done and successive governments have also failed to apply the caravan sites act nineteen sixty eight adequately .
8 Problems with the software have prevented for the moment the implementation of an automated indexing system .
9 I thought of the luxury we were enjoying ; our comfortable beds , baths , and motor cars , and then I recalled the ancient custom of giving a man selected for the sacrifice a royal time of it before the appointed day .
10 In each of the 10 practices selected for the study the practice manager or lead fundholding clinician , or both , agreed to be interviewed .
11 The runners in the group , when not occupied in pushing chairs , collected money in buckets on the way round and £330 was collected for the home the disabled athletes come from .
12 Thus , playing to the Germans ' appeal for order , these two brave Frenchmen secured for the trade a buffer in the form of the CIVC which took on the day-to-day unpleasantries of dealing with an alien administration .
13 A modest journal article might have produced for the author a significant learning experience .
14 If they are then housed for the winter the immunity acquired by the end of the grazing season has waned by the following spring and yearlings turned out at that time are partially susceptible to reinfection and so contaminate the pasture with small numbers of eggs .
15 The ‘ Fouchet plan ’ that ensued called for a summit every four months ; for foreign , defence and education ministers to meet regularly ; and for a special secretariat .
16 There are detailed provisions for the arranging of special sittings if no regular court is scheduled for the day the accused is charged or the following day .
17 If at any time after a person has been charged with or informed he may be prosecuted for an offence a police officer wishes to bring to the notice of that person any written statement made by another person or the content of an interview with another person , he shall hand to that person a true copy of any such written statement or bring to his attention the content of the interview record , but shall say or do nothing to invite any reply or comment save to caution him in the terms of paragraph 10.4 above .
18 But although they had been settled for the moment the two great political problems of the next half-century had already been foreshadowed : first , the tensions within the Angevin family ; second , the feudal question of the relationship between lord and vassal , between Capetian and Angevin .
19 At the time appointed for the auction the poor and the thrifty were left to man the ramparts ; everyone else crowded into the hall of the Residency which was considered to be the most suitable place for the proceedings .
20 Drawing the wallet from his pocket , he separated the one of Breakspear from the rest and studied for a moment the view of the college it presented .
21 A visit to India being planned for the Prince the following year seemed the perfect opportunity .
22 Mr. Nicholls , referring to the speech of Lord Diplock in Haw Tua Tau v. Public Prosecutor [ 1982 ] A.C. 136 , 151 , reserved for the future the argument that this test was too favourable to the defendant .
23 If the Policyholder has to pay ground rent in respect of his building , then this would also be covered for the period the building was uninhabitable .
24 2.1 The Proprietor shall be paid for the Work the payments shown in Schedule III .
25 The business ended , he began to show a discreet but kindly Interest ill our " one up , one down " home , recently rented for a pound a week ; this included , as part of the furnishings , a vase containing the ashes of the previous occupant .
26 Matt Lynch , manager of the environmental services department of IIRS , outlined for the conference the difficulties that legislation presents when trying to draw up a strategy for pollution control .
27 We have also acquired for the Society a vast range of photo-copied material , which is also open for viewing .
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