Example sentences of "[vb pp] for [art] [noun] that " in BNC.

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1 Moreover , even those studies where there does seem to be a clear relationship over a number of data points at different arousal levels ( e.g. Courts , 1942 ; Stennett , 1957 ; Bolanger & Feldman , described in Malmo 1959 ) can often be criticized for the possibility that the task used to induce arousal actually requires greater levels of attention at higher levels of arousal itself .
2 ( Not least is Cold Comfort Farm to be treasured for the fact that an American literary critic took it straight , commenting that some of the characters were overdrawn . )
3 It is a basic but rarely articulated feature of the modern economic system that the highest pay is given for the work that is most prestigious and most agreeable .
4 If life has developed for the enjoyment that it brings , and it started with the existence of a single cell , then it is reasonable to suppose that the single cell was capable of the detection of an extremely small measure of ‘ pleasure ’ which it could experience by satisfying some ‘ desire ’ .
5 One peasant walked 15 versts to get Yakovlev to act on a building designated for a school that was still occupied by an influential peasant .
6 Pop was no longer a community of youth as it had been in the sixties , nor a means of changing society , but a meaningless marketing exercise which deserved to be exposed for the charade that it was .
7 Business Assignments is designed for the centres that set the standards in executive language training …
8 In their discussion of the photograph , Trent had forgotten for a moment that Golden Girl lay miles inland .
9 He thought , They had forgotten for a moment that I 'm a policeman .
10 He had looked at his wife 's unguarded face and forgotten for a moment that life was a deadly game in which you had to keep your cards close to your chest and your back to the wall , your eyes open and your nose clean in order not to end up in the gutter with your hat in your hand .
11 Muriel Box claimed for the film that the issues it covered were ‘ treated seriously and with sincerity . ’
12 ‘ I ca n't believe I am being blamed for a fight that went on in the stand behind us , and I hope video evidence will clearly back me up . ’
13 We ask of each person whether he did anything he should not have done such that he should be blamed for the deaths that followed , or whether he contributed to the accidents in such a way that , blameworthy or not , he should bear some portion of the damage or loss .
14 Gaunt showed consistent loyalty to his father and , after 1377 , to his young nephew Richard II , but he lacked the charismatic authority of his father and eldest brother , and he was widely if unfairly blamed for the misfortunes that befell England in the last years of his father 's reign .
15 Contrary to ( uninformed ? ) views sometimes expressed it is acknowledged that physical geographers are respected for the contribution that they can make — when they do make a specific contribution .
16 Scargill hoped for a ‘ domino effect ’ , to be promoted if necessary by the type of mass picketing which had been perfected a decade earlier , and the National Executive supported him ; only three members voted for a proposal that the demand for a national strike be put to a national ballot .
17 If one subtracts the vote of this vulnerable group from the remaining 76 per cent , this means that they have to live with the knowledge that more than one in four of voting co-residents have voted for a party that is rabidly hostile to them .
18 ‘ So you would , if you 'd been at home , ’ Roman rapped , his quietness discarded for an anger that made Claudia shiver .
19 Membership of Equity , then , is no guarantee of employment — it simply gives the member a chance to be considered for the work that is available .
20 The house of the Fleece was fast shuttered by then , the wicket in the yard door closed but not barred ; and Julian was waiting in the doorway of the undercroft , her ears pricked for every footfall that passed along the alley .
21 Simpson , booked for the challenge that sparked this flare-up , was the victim of a nasty challenge by Gareth Hall a minute later — and Hall also went into referee Keith Hackett 's book .
22 But apparently no one else has looked for a phage that might produce such a toxin .
23 The defendant applied for an order that the five other members of the management committee , including the appellant , be joined under Order 5 , rule 5 as persons responsible to pay damages and costs to the plaintiff .
24 On 5 December 1991 the father applied for an order that his two children be returned to the jurisdiction of the State of Victoria , Australia , on the ground that the mother had taken them without his consent in breach of the joint custodial rights vested in him under the Australian Family Law Act 1975 .
25 It was argued for the defendants that the wife would not be liable to tax on the damages she received , while her lost income would have been taxable in her hands , and that therefore she should be awarded damages in respect of her net loss after deducting tax .
26 It was also argued for the defendants that the example of judges in personal injuries cases should be followed , and the wife should give credit for amounts of supplementary benefits received .
27 On appeal , it was argued for the miners that the instructions to turn back were unlawful , and the police had no power to require them to turn back .
28 It had been argued for the defendant that the payments had been made voluntarily to close the transaction , but Lord Reading held that payment under the type of pressure he had described was not so made .
29 It is argued for the appellants that fixing a tariff period is part of that power , and must be done by the Secretary of State himself , rather than by a junior minister or official .
30 Although we have argued for the view that law is differentiated rather than monolithic , we have to stress that there do exist common factors and interrelations , both within specific arenas and within the legal system as a whole , that have to be considered .
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