Example sentences of "[vb pp] to he the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Such is the notion uncritically entertained in the Alliance Report : competing candidates of the same party would make clear their differences on policy issues , and on the balanced slate so presented to him the voter would pick and choose .
2 ‘ The defendant had been personally negligent in that he had failed to take such steps and make such inquiries as would have revealed to him the defects in his structure and the risks of fire thereby occasioned . ’
3 Mr Beckenham looked down upon him from his superior height and handed to him the lady 's portmanteau .
4 And so I was extremely surprised when no more than weeks later Émile telephoned Jean-Claude and proposed to him the idea that he should take up an appointment as composer-in-residence at an American university .
5 They described him as the " enemy of all chastity " and ascribed to him the intention of founding an abbey of prostitutes in which the offices of abbess , prioress and so on would be distributed according to the professional skill of the inmates .
6 He may have a brief with correspondence numbering two or three hundred letters delivered to him the night , or two nights , before the case begins , and all the facts must be mastered before he goes into court .
7 If because risk had passed to him the buyer has to bear some loss , it follows that he is not excused from carrying out the contract .
8 Parliament crossed him , always with the greatest respect but implacably , criticised his use of the council to levy an aid for the marriage of his elder daughter without consulting them , doubted if there was a precedent recent enough to justify the aid , and periodically and obstinately restated to him the principle that the king should live ‘ of his own ’ , without demanding that parliament should raise money by taxes for his expenses .
9 His doctor constantly suggested to him the benefits of sun and sea air ( not that he needed any encouragement to visit the sea , since it still evoked for him the happiest memories ) , and in July they travelled , with Eliot 's sister who had come from America , to the Isle of Wight for two weeks .
10 If the insured insists on the original invoice being returned to him the invoice should be noted and stamped to show that the GA have included this invoice as part of a claims settlement .
11 Under the Financial Services [ Cancellation ] Rules 1989 , an investor is entitled under certain circumstances to cancel a Plan he has opened and have returned to him the sum invested .
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