Example sentences of "[vb pp] in all [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The authenticity of the film was stressed in all the publicity and much was made of the fact that not only had the trial scenes been shot at the same time as the judge was carrying out the Detroit sentences but the film actually used his own words .
2 ‘ She must have forgotten in all the excitement . ’
3 Indeed , at one time the Malayan Angel argenteus was included in all the genus Psettias .
4 Guildsmen versed in all the Mystery plays from the Creation of the World to Doomsday clamoured to travel with Garvey .
5 It is a low cliff , approached by a path , and can be done in all the beauty of the Verdon scenery but with none of the problems of the big cliffs .
6 There is a common concern in the Division that the values which guide research in the area of Language in Education , and which research findings confirm , should be revealed in all the teaching throughout the Division .
7 The hon. Gentleman must bear in mind what is happening elsewhere : unemployment has risen in all the Community countries except the Netherlands , in every country of the European Free Trade Association , and in every G7 country except Japan .
8 This was the configuration of the rectal CSA change seen in all the balloon inflations .
9 The club is a discount scheme to be operated in all the district council 's leisure facilities from April .
10 This standard model , a close-knit set of theories similar in form , is in excellent agreement with all the measurements that have been made in all the world 's particle accelerators .
11 Another apology has been made in all the charter proposals for public services .
12 The perambulations of the other forests were as little to the liking of the regents , and in December 1219 they ordered fresh perambulations to be made in all the forest counties .
13 This is celebrated in all the puberty rites observed by the Hindu girl .
14 Escaping from under the pillow on the bed was the hem of a caftan , the soft kind he 'd slept in all the time I 'd known him .
15 This friction reducing additive may be used in all the engine and transmission of your L.R. with beneficial results .
16 Growth in industrial production has slowed in all the world 's leading economies , with the UK and the US worst hit .
17 Even though he 's calm and affable , he 's chain-smoked throughout the interview , and hardly smoked in all the time we 've spent together prior to it .
18 At the Yair ford , in mass , they turned to cross , the English guards there prudently withdrawing to a discreet distance , while trumpets sounded in all the enemy encampments .
19 Would you advise heparin to be given in all the district general hospitals where thrombolysis is being used ?
20 I suppose they get fed up stuck in all the time , do n't they ?
21 The same or greater loss of bone has been found in all the predator assemblages examined here .
22 The 800 bp fragment which was observed in all the cell types analyzed represents mRNA in which AD1 was spliced out .
23 What I have n't done and I ought to because of the erm the way that this discussion has to unfold , I ought to say that pure few sentences about why should there be a strategic sites policy at all and erm I ought to put that on the record although it 's pretty well trailed in all the paper work .
24 The French have never indulged in all the razzmatazz of an American campaign .
25 Finally , when he has taken in all the information he can assimilate , after a dramatic ‘ I will go ’ or after waking one morning knowing that the problem has solved itself in his sleep , he applies for his visa , resigns his job , packs his bags .
26 The broad-fronted houses stood between oak trees that were dressed in all the splendour of autumn bronze .
27 The man who spoke was enough like the priest in face and build to indicate their relationship , but , instead of the severe black habit and tonsured head which proclaimed the cleric to be of the Benedictine order , he was dressed in all the splendour of a prosperous baron .
28 I wished our teenage children had been with us , they would have revelled in all the water sports , in the bay .
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