Example sentences of "[vb pp] in [pers pn] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 What had she seen in him the other day that had been so disturbing ?
2 They have seen Pop Will Eat Itself close up and seen in them the terrible cost of debauchery .
3 His age and status induced in me the normal mixture of deference , fear and cheek .
4 He that will consider that the same fire that at one distance produces in us the sensation of warmth , does at a nearer approach produce in us the far different sensation of pain , ought to bethink himself what reason he has to say , that his idea of warmth which was produced in him by the fire , is actually in the fire , and his idea of pain which the same fire produced in him the same way is not in the fire .
5 The new law 's brutal surgery , the promises — the menaces — the indomitable energy , inspired in him a profound torpor .
6 A well-made pension plan inspired in him the same emotions as an estate-bottled single-vineyard wine of a good year , and about the same amount of waffle .
7 We are not claiming either that He has somehow implanted in us a sixth sense that gives us certainty He exists whilst our other five senses provide no such assurance .
8 This report , the standard books , the growing number of translations of the many books of the Scriptures , and discussions with scholars in Rangoon University or simple yet thoughtful Buddhists in the villages , aroused in me a reverent admiration for the Buddha , a deep interest in his teaching , and a nagging need to build some bridge in my own mind between the two religions .
9 In the seminary library he came across the works of the medieval Franciscan theologian Duns Scotus [ q.v. ] , and almost instantly recognized in them the philosophical backing for his own instinctive perception of the uniqueness of each being and created thing .
10 The local charities found in him a generous benefactor .
11 A lifelong member of the Oxford Cottage Improvement Society , Violet Butler joined the Charity Organization Society 's local branch , and her links with the Christian Social Union encouraged in her the unsectarian broad-church outlook that was taken for granted within a family so deeply influenced by Thomas Arnold , T. H. Green , and Henry Scott Holland [ qq.v . ] .
12 enabled them to buy their Council houses , at er cheaper rate because they 've lived in them a long time and its , its given a lot of people more independence , unemployment would of happened who ever was in power
13 ‘ That one evening created in me a deep and lasting dislike of the extreme evangelical style of evangelism . ’
14 What we do know is that his full conversion to Christianity released in him a literary flow which only ceased with death .
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