Example sentences of "[vb pp] in [art] [adj] long " in BNC.

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1 It was presented in a further long meeting , going on well into the early hours of the morning , when George Elvin , having conferred with several of his senior colleagues on my telephone , returned to say that they would accept the proposal .
2 There was a se er a little seat situated in the great long ribs there was across , and then there was the side that .
3 The length and grammatical code are both stored in the second long integer .
4 In the short text the account of the Crucifixion and the meditator 's awareness of his own sin come to a climax in an outpouring of lyrical prose which has been printed as verse though it seems more effective if the surge of the rhymes and the alliterative cadences rise within the very structure of the prose like great waves to break in the bitter realisation that it is the meditator 's sin which both nails Christ to the cross and blocks the free expression of love in himself : All the internal rhyme , play on words ( ) and alliteration , which intensify the sense of the meditator 's awareness of both the creative power of God " king of " and the impotence of all his own functions , are lost in the long version which omits much of the intense self-disgust present in the short : The emphasis on Christ as the source of life and creativity is similarly highlighted in the short version in the skilful use made of rhyme , cadence and monosyllabic , strong-stressed ends of sentences to graphically convey the moment when he dies and the created cosmos fails : These effects are lost in the prosaic longer version : In both versions the meditator contemplates the appalling inversion of the created order with its lord suffering greater deprivation than the foxes and birds as he hangs " in eyre " ( 88. cf.101 ) with nowhere to lay his head — a reference to Matthew 8:20 traditionally used to emphasise the poverty of God embraced at the Incarnation .
5 The head was then pickled in a ten-foot long tin box , and the rotting body returned to the ocean .
6 No doubt when money is required in the future Long Riston residents will rise to the occasion once more .
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