Example sentences of "[vb pp] and the [adj] time " in BNC.

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1 Decimalisation meant that a major revision of the payroll system was needed and the limited time scales involved resulted in the acquisition and implementation of a payroll package called " COMPAY " .
2 Indeed , the basic model assumes that wages and prices are fixed and the only time we allowed them to rise was after the attainment of full employment .
3 Given the problems involved and the limited time available , such hopes were doubtless unrealistic ; the fact remained that , in addition to the constant hostility of the CNT , Azaña and the Left — Republicans found themselves , by the summer of 1933 , dealing with a Socialist Party gripped by frustration with parliamentary democracy .
4 But as soon as their friendship was struck the memory faded and the bad time seemed no worse than some null interlude between two boon companions .
5 In this situation , it is often useful to look back at the good things you have achieved and the good times you 've enjoyed in the past .
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