Example sentences of "[vb pp] and [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Finishing with a par 4 Stevie had won and on the morrow would be presented by the Princess with his Golden Putter .
2 As half-time approached and with the score at 0–0 , Reg and I shuffled nervously on the bench , but the duck was about to be broken .
3 But Wilkins , at 36 playing better than ever , was instrumental in the club 's 2-0 win at Wimbledon and said : ’ We were committed and in the end we came through . ’
4 THE Fighting Bradfords ( Echo February 19 ) will never be forgotten and in the week of the centenary of Roland 's birth we raised our glasses , all seven of us , in memory of this fine young officer .
5 If the judge awarded damages to the petitioner on the grounds that there was no compromise or that the compromise had been cancelled and on the grounds that the respondents had been guilty of misconduct in the Clearwater transaction , then the respondents could have appealed to the Court of Appeal and either party , losing before the Court of Appeal , could have appealed to the Privy Council as of right and on that appeal all three issues , the compromise issue , the cancellation issue and the misconduct issue could have been argued .
6 SEAC will also advise on the form in which teachers ' assessments should be recorded , how results should be reported and on the recommendations in the report of the Records of Achievement National Steering Committee , published in January 1989 .
7 We are compelled to weigh against this the evidence from our case studies , from the professionals interviewed and from the community care plans , that care programming makes clear demands on limited resources .
8 Is it because you believe it wrong to do so , or because you are afraid of being caught and of the consequences if you are ?
9 By 1801 , not only had the conflicts between monarch and nobility over the extraction and use of rents and taxes , and the respective rights and duties of each , largely been resolved and in the process made irrelevant , but also the industrial revolution was well under way , establishing the basis for the growing political ascendancy of the industrial classes over both monarchy and aristocracy .
10 ( 2 ) The clerk of a licensing board shall , when lawfully required , make out a duplicate of any licence issued by him under this section and shall certify such duplicate to be a true copy of the original licence , and any such duplicate , duly certified as aforesaid , shall be sufficient evidence of the facts therein contained and of the terms of the original licence .
11 Officials of the inquiry and MPs immediately called for the extradition of Klebeck to be considered and for the inquiry to be reconstituted to look at wartime crimes in the Channel Islands .
12 The knowledge and understanding gained has value in prioritising policies when guidelines for practice are being considered and for the counselling provisions which are now mandatory under The Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act which regulates infertility services and comes into effect in July 1991 .
13 In the ultimate case , when considering premises designed totally for automatic operation , the use of electronic display panels and controls sited in suitably protected premises remote from the area of risk may have to be considered and in the case of multiple points the need for communication in order to co-ordinate the operation of controls would be needed to be assessed .
14 An extra dimension is added by the practical motivation of the problems considered and by the need to formulate these mathematically .
15 It should also offer living experience of the life of faith — in the way it is organised and in the relationship of those who work and learn there , in its approach to pastoral care and guidance , liturgy , extra-curricular work , to discipline and to a concern and appropriate approach for those with special needs .
16 And as soon as that happens , Mr Lee can think about getting his scooter repaired and on the road again .
17 And there it was , in the late nineties , he was adding up his pence and his shillings and the odd pound or two here and there , these were his costs of making the pictures that he was making in those days , and then when you turned over and we came to nineteen hundred , nineteen hundred and one , nineteen hundred and two , erm the figures had broadened and under the pounds into three figures and then into four .
18 When observed from the rear , the trailing edge is gull shaped and from the side , the angle of attack created by the bridle is very steep over the central delta and shallow over the outer panels .
19 ’ New Release ’ will be bottled and on the shelves in a months time and is England 's answer to the French wine Beaujolais Nouveau .
20 Aung San 's demand for eleven seats out of fifteen was not conceded and at the end of the month the Governor appointed a Council of ten members , of whom only two were British .
21 Improvements could be made , however , in the way inductions were presented and in the facilities at John Wood House for carrying them out .
22 Some are listed adjacent to the term to which they are to be applied and in the form in which they are to be applied in the main list .
23 The clear implication was that , eventually , their full demands would be met and in the meantime the Unionists had been obliged to accept that they could no longer rule with total disregard for the feelings and aspirations of Derry 's Catholics .
24 Their eyes met and in the distance a romantic gypsy began playing — Ned knew that from that moment on he could n't live without her !
25 At the workshop the organisers had managed to unite informed educational opinion throughout Nigeria and to establish a productive working climate in which panels in six areas of the primary school curriculum : cultural and creative art , languages , mathematics , physical and health education , science and social studies met and in the light of the goals set at the 1969 Curriculum Conference expanded and refined objectives in these areas and produced a series of guidelines which have since been used throughout Nigeria at university and state level as a basis for detailed curriculum planning .
26 It is quite often the case that the person making the arrangements has not had to do this job before and so relies heavily on what he remembers from other funerals he has attended and on the undertaker 's advice .
27 If you must have a hamburger , have it grilled and off the bun .
28 If I could just say one other thing , that is that I 've had a an initial of , of the blocks done and pending the outcome of Woolwich which I expect to get tomorrow erm , if they are backing out then I will be getting a full structural , engineers structural survey within a couple of days , this is the actually meeting plan .
29 In Britain , American experience is commonly cited as setting a precedent both for what can be done and for the policy strategies necessary for success .
30 Our role is to propose a prudent council tax and that is what we 've done and at the end of the day I agree , the figures are juggled one way or another but it does show a net saving of one point three million and however you look at it Mr Mayor I 'm sure the leader of the council , if he adopted these proposals , could then find somewhere a sum for a stress control officer .
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