Example sentences of "[vb pp] and [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The power of traditional chiefs was curbed and for the first time women and young people were drawn into the political process .
2 Because of rising costs and the import of cheap foreign lead in the late 1800s , the market collapsed and by the early years of this century the mines had all closed .
3 This is surely to be explained by the paramount corporate and legal sense of identity which the clergy enjoyed and by the institutional roots which convocation had in the church 's own provincial councils ; the assembly of merchants , for example , was nothing like so well established or defined .
4 Inside it is richly decorated and of the typical open style dictated by the Jesuit Order .
5 The vocational training in engineering and technological skills which young people receive in West Germany is more thorough , better organised and of a higher standard , the young people receive in this country .
6 Food is a particular highlight — always beautifully presented and with a huge choice at every meal .
7 More than a year after the publication of the Pastoral Instruction Aetatis Novae on the communications media , I once again invite all of you to reflect on the vision of the modern world which the instruction presented and on the practical implications of the situations it described .
8 Creggan hesitated to tell her but she seemed different from other vagrants he had met and in the last few days a trust had developed between them , so it seemed natural to say .
9 The Warwickshire jurors , on being asked on what authority they had returned that ten townships ‘ with their woods , wastes and fields ’ had been afforested by King John , and that in 1154 there had been no royal forest in their county , replied that they knew by what their ancestors had related and by the common talk of the country .
10 In 1515 , we find a cow being left to provide a light before the rood to burn from the second peal to matins , and till high mass is done and from the second peal to evensong till evensong be done for ever more .
11 But with , say , twelve to twenty people , a highly interesting combination can be selected and by a little judicious manoeuvring the different elements set to interact .
12 I delivered it to my agent to be framed and for the final hanging in the boardroom .
13 You would n't call it the best buildup you ever seen and after a little bit of scrappy play which Pisa failed to get the ball away , it fell inviting on the edge of the area , and he struck it with all the confidence and aplomb a a player who 's been planting 'em in the back of the net all season .
14 With a brief nod and a smile that again dazzled and at the same time almost lulled her into thinking things were going to be normal between them from now on , he left .
15 For instance one may find marked relief from taking warm drinks which would make another feel much worse ; one may have a high fever and sweats whilst another has no fever at all ; one may be hot and want to be uncovered and in the fresh air whilst another is hot yet wants to be covered up to his chin ; one may wish to continue his work whilst another might only wish to lie down and die and so on .
16 Finally , all is prepared and as the second hand ticks over into 8.30 pm the command ‘ Run Tape ’ is given .
17 Thanks to , among others , John Robinson and the radical theologians , however , the way has been paved for humanist concerns to become more widely accepted and for the established Church to lose its importance in the areas of both public and private morality .
18 In fact the unlawfulness of indiscriminate attacks was generally accepted and to a great extent maintained : although London , Coventry , Hamburg and Dresden were bombed , Paris , Rome , Oxford and Edinburgh were not .
19 The only breeding ground which is infertile is one running at high stress for achievement , tightly mapped and with the maximum openness .
20 Years later , long after Carewscourt had been built and with an uneasy peace prevailing , Richard 's two sons , beardless lads in their mid-teens , crossed the bog and river and entered the forest .
21 George did a lot of things to keep Lennie well fed and in a happy mood .
22 All through the 1960s the package holiday market had grown and by the early 1970s they accounted for nearly half of all overseas travel .
23 Nevertheless , the SPG still exists , albeit reorganized and with a new name ( the Territorial Support Group ) .
24 It also draws attention to the social and economic isolation of poor families ; to their exclusion from the experiences of parenthood and childhood that others take for granted and from the cultural and political life of the communities to which they belong .
25 Of the highest quality , generously made and with a wide choice of rigid baths and fittings .
26 Fixed-price contracts have been normal for production contracts but on occasion this has led to claims that excess profits have been made and in a few cases repayment of the excess has been enforced .
27 Well we , we ca n't because the thing is the , the national decision has been made and within the final report to , to all the conferences this year .
28 They have been conserved and in the main appear green .
29 The interference mysteriously stopped and through a clear line Frau Nordern 's voice boomed with all its usual authority , as if the ghost had miraculously become embodied with all the solidity of human flesh .
30 In 1955/6 budgets were generally overspent and by a larger margin than in earlier years .
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