Example sentences of "[vb pp] and [verb] [pn reflx] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ In particular , over and above their local roles , councils are located and locate themselves in what may be termed the ‘ national local government system ’ ' ( Dunleavy , 1980a , p. 105 ) .
2 On the whole , acting in isolation is a peculiar feature of the audition system , which is why the pieces you choose in either the classic or modern text need to be reasonably well contained and lend themselves to being performed as a one man show .
3 The Catholics , too , organised and armed themselves in anticipation of a Protestant backlash or about-turn by the security forces .
4 This network of friendship and patronage became one of the less objectionable instruments of nineteenth-century electoral corruption and the instrument with which the small man met and defended himself against the state .
5 The air in the passage stirred and folded itself about her .
6 Vive l'Impératrice ! ’ , until at one moment the Emperor stopped and addressed himself to those nearest saying courteously : ‘ If you want to please your Emperor , I would ask you to cry ‘ Vive la Reine ’ . ’
7 The young men stripped and painted themselves in black and white imitation of the feather pattern on the predator : bringing the hunting eye of the eagle to the clan .
8 I chase each of the monks and nuns round the canopy until all have been similarly consumed and thrown themselves over the battlements ; for who can bear to lose face ?
9 As she called in at the supermercado , toured the fruit and vegetable market , bought chicken legs from the Dutch butcher , a kaleidoscope of questions formed and reformed itself in her head .
10 Quite remarkably , within the space of a few months , the industry reshaped and refashioned itself in advance of 27 October 1986 , the day on which the deregulation of commissions was to take place .
11 But she did not answer him , only bent and lowered herself into the water , hissing as the coldness burned into the wound , a faint moan escaping through her gritted teeth as she began to wash .
12 To all this , modern man has now added creatures from outer-space which can be grouped under the general category of UFOs ( Unidentified Flying Objects ) , some of which have reputedly landed and disguised themselves as human beings .
13 Although it is a group undertaking , the residential will provide the means for students to be assessed and to assess themselves as individuals .
14 So had she once walked and talked herself in that same garden — or so it now seemed to her — with the young Irishman who had recovered the amethyst and diamond cat which she still wore , very often on her collar and which she had longed — very badly , she remembered — to give him as a keepsake .
15 The " Balham Group " was expelled and formed itself into a Communist League .
16 For all his wayward impulses and the much documented erraticism of his '80s career , this contradictory figure has — through cunning , imagination and sheer force of will — constantly reassessed and reasserted himself as the most focused member of the old guard .
17 Social policy planners in particular are perplexed and tie themselves in appalling knots trying to work out equitable ways of dealing with this anomalous creature .
18 In their remarkable study , Stallybrass and White argue that ‘ the bourgeois subject continuously defined and re-defined itself through the exclusion of what it marked out as ‘ low' ’ — as dirty , repulsive , noisy , contaminating .
19 There was no other explanation ; she 'd gone and landed herself in the sole company of a madman .
20 I spoke to her , telling her to do as we had earlier discussed and detach herself from the scene so that she could see it and tell me about it but could not feel any distress , whether mental , physical or emotional .
21 But the residents resisted and formed themselves into a community association and negotiated with the council to save their homes .
22 In recounting the story of his life , he assumes a variety of identities and gives multiple conflicting versions of events in a contradictory attempt to acquire the sense of identity he has always lacked and to conceal himself from a world by which he has always felt persecuted .
23 ‘ The gentlemen soldiers , ’ it was recorded , ‘ dressed and trimmed themselves in their best clothes , for to drink a dish of tea with the ladies of this town , ’ who ‘ appeared in their best rigging ’ .
24 De Gaulle was perceived and perceived himself as the incarnation of both revolution and restoration .
25 Some are highly specialised and limit themselves to one particular type of prey , refusing all other kinds of meat even though it may be highly nutritious .
26 A problem arises when a person makes a mistake about the circumstances by which he is confronted and supposes himself to be under attack when in truth he is not .
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