Example sentences of "[vb pp] and [verb] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It was in the nature of a goodwill invitation , nothing more , none of us realising that he was the one man in Punta Arenas who had some idea of why an old wooden-walled East Indiaman , built like a frigate , should have been reconditioned and brought south by the Argentine Navy during the war .
2 When matters of race are located and called attention to in American literature , critical response has tended to be on the order of a humanistic nostrum — or a dismissal mandated by the label ‘ political ’ .
3 In a new departure , EPLF gunboats attacked and set fire to a Polish freighter off the Eritrean Red Sea coast on Jan. 3 ; they seized the 30-strong crew and fired rockets to drive off a second Polish freighter which attempted to come to their aid .
4 The Karen National Union on Jan. 8 and 14 reportedly attacked and set fire to three oil tanker trucks belonging to a Thai logging company working in Karen State , killing one of the drivers .
5 Just after the end of the Falklands conflict , my second husband died , suddenly and unexpectedly , almost forty years to the day after he had been wounded and taken prisoner at Tobruk while serving with the Royal Durban Light Infantry in the ill-fated 2nd South African Division .
6 Looking beneath the carriage , I noticed that there was a machine needle caught and laying flat across the magnets .
7 As it is no longer in focus the drill serves to reinforce what has already been drilled and ensures automaticity of control .
8 Andy Slater had organised and taken part in the race , but with its rapid growth it was getting out of hand and he decided to back out .
9 Later in the night she would discover the scars , the knife wound across his shoulder-blades where he 'd been slashed in a Belfast bar , and the bullet wound above his right knee that had never healed properly , a legacy from when he was on border patrol and one of his own men had panicked and opened fire on him .
10 Soon after police arrived to carry out the order , violence spread , as students smashed and set fire to Mr Kamba 's Mercedes car , and police responded with tear gas and baton charges .
11 For example , if the person is severely incapacitated and has difficulty in mobilising , it can be important to know whether , when at home , it is necessary to go upstairs to the toilet .
12 This was the first English Bible printed in Roman type and with verse divisions , which are among the reasons why it was enormously popular and , for the next fifty years , the most commonly owned and read version in England .
13 ‘ I can either trust you and allow you to take charge of the whole business , or I can decide you 're not to be trusted and take charge of things myself .
14 I knew he was dead because he had already been stabbed and had blood on his neck . ’
15 The cottage , their belongings , were their joint life , adorned and gave reality to it just as the bushes and flowers they had planted in the garden staked out their territory of trust .
16 She had also met and won approval from leading Dissenters such as George Dyer , Joseph Priestley , John Disney , and William Frend [ qq.v . ] .
17 One yellowed programme of the Palace of Varieties era still in existence , will be framed and have pride of place in the foyer , if Michael Barnes has his way .
18 By promoting the exchange of ideas and experiences , the lessons learned and technologies applied can be adapted by LASMO engineers to be reapplied and to add value to new ventures .
19 Although there are no studies for El Salvador , research in Mexico shows that the weight of the basket can cause damage to the spinal column , so that it becomes slightly twisted and exerts pressure on the uterus .
20 Having struggled over preparation , he managed to give a light-hearted and amusing touch which caught the attention of his audience , so that the message was accepted and gave food for subsequent thought .
21 Finally they are ambushed and taken prisoner by the enemy ( the former lager-louts risen from the dead and now wearing masks ) ; Hadfield goes catatonic with terror , and is solicitously carried off to re-education in the jungle .
22 He had sought and received asylum in the Senegalese embassy in Conakry only a month after his return home from a long period of exile [ see p. 38181 ] .
23 The Librarian has sought and received advice from the Research Management Group as to the value of these services , and now that he is a member , this valuable communication channel should greatly assist in tailoring the Library 's bibliographic services to meet the needs of research staff .
24 Peasants also sought and obtained employment in the cash economy , often on a seasonal basis .
25 International Law so far as this Court is concerned , is the body of doctrine regarding the international rights and duties of States which has been adopted and made part of the Law of Scotland .
26 A longer time period is probably advantageous to the acquirer as it enables a better assessment of assets to be made and gives time for undisclosed liabilities to appear .
27 When it was suggested that Bill Pertwee might be a useful addition to the cast , Ken was consulted and took part in the audition , such as it was .
28 Within the control interval the remaining records are moved towards the start of the control interval , which requires their RBAs to be altered and avoids fragmentation of the free space in the control interval .
29 Sir : Although we are not necessarily personally supportive of the Channel tunnel , we accept that it will be completed and become part of the transport network of Europe .
30 Cockersands Abbey drained and hedged part of the Lancashire Fylde .
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