Example sentences of "[vb pp] of [noun pl] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Meanwhile , intense lobbying was reported of deputies from Estonia , Georgia and other strongly nationalist-minded republics who were threatening to boycott the vote on the grounds that strengthening centralized executive authority ran counter to recent official proposals for restructuring the Soviet Union into a looser confederation of sovereign republics .
2 The examples given of settlements in Canada , Australia and New Zealand demonstrate the influence of a few of the colonisers who went out from Ayrshire and give an indication of the varied circumstances and locations in which the emigrants started their new lives .
3 Pardy was right and he could n't prove handwriting , because the letter had been formed of scraps of newsprint in the classic way .
4 My letters were now addressed not from the Middle East Forces , but from the British North African Forces and , moreover , headed 137/166 Newfoundland Regiment , R.A. This quite confused me for I had never heard of Canadians in North Africa — even though I knew that Newfoundland was not really Canada .
5 There was always a hunger for newspapers and magazines ( usually preferred to books ) and he 'd heard of baptizers in Patashoqua who named children by stabbing a copy of the London Times with a pin and bequeathing the first three words they pricked upon the infant , however unmusical the combination .
6 They will allow themselves to be stripped of savings by bucket shop practitioners who are not , strictly speaking , licensed dealers , but who operate on the same principles .
7 In the present Chapter I have written of movements in theory in the present tense , whereas what is ideally required is something grammatically subtler — perhaps there are languages where it exists — like a special tense in which the present extends back to include actions or events that are already in the recent past .
8 It is therefore important that the heap is built of layers of vegetable and animal wastes , evenly distributed and not compressed or trodden to a point where air is excluded .
9 On Dec. 20 the government announced that it was expelling two Palestinian brothers suspected of links with Sabri Khalil al Banna ( " Abu Nidal " ) , the leader of the Fatah Revolutionary Council .
10 Of the 426 chemicals cleared for use in farming , 166 are known to cause , or are suspected of links with cancer , birth defects , genetic mutations and allergies .
11 All of them are suspected of links with Sheikh Omar Abdel-Rahman , a blind Egyptian preacher who lives in New Jersey and urges an Islamic holy struggle against the West and the government of President Hosni Mubarak .
12 Scattered among them were groups of palapas — the tiny Mayan houses made of sticks with roofs of palm thatch , each with just enough room to swing two hammocks .
13 Some use will be made of notions of risk , danger and pollution to analyse what it is that people find attractive or unattractive about such different environments .
14 However , occasional use has been made of groups of voices ( e.g. all the sopranos ) singing together , supported by a quiet background of the other parts .
15 For example , non users may value the emergency cover provided in the event of a car breakdown ; may appreciate the availability of services for other household members and may benefit from the use made of services by others , for example , friends and relatives visiting them .
16 The balustrade and balusters will consist of 140 pillars made of stacks of green , square plates of glass held together under pressure by a steel ‘ spine ’ .
17 Crystals are made of myriads of layers of atoms ( or equivalent ) , and each layer builds upon the layer below .
18 Use has been made of CAI for training at the Library of Congress in the use of the SCORPIO ( Subject Content Oriented Retriever for Processing Information Online ) and MUMS ( the Multiple-Use MARC System ) .
19 Nasa said the plutonium is in marshmallow-size nuggets , each encased in three layers of protective material and set in a ceramic honeycomb , in turn contained in a cylinder made of layers of metal and fibreglass ¾ in thick .
20 — This little house they lived in was made of strips of palm too and tied together with the tough liana ropes .
21 Specific mention should be made of searches across Europe .
22 He was heading for a desolate inland area in the north-east , a region without large cities and with few towns , a flat endless landscape of black earth , dotted with primitive cottages made of sods of turf and sticks .
23 The oven was made of sheets of iron , in sections ; and you could fit it or pin it together and dismantle it after use .
24 Use was made of facilities for communications , intelligence gathering , and early warning systems .
25 Priority between applications is partly based on frequency of paid training in past and partly on use made of attendances on return , e.g. wrote good report , organised something similar here which worked or has stimulated others to develop the ideas expressed there ’ .
26 A general use can be made of ideas of particulars .
27 Vocational preparation is done in real situations in the community but use is also made of situations within schools to learn social and work skills .
28 Four years ago , we would have said of blokes like Cathal Coughlan and Patrick Kane : pop needs more figures like them , spiky , striving , sussed .
29 In this case the defendants , who owned two coaches making international journeys , were accused of contraventions of articles 6(2) ( 4 ) and 7 of the European Agreement concerning the work of Crews of Vehicles engaged in International Road Transport ( AETR ) and Section 96(11A) of the Transport Act 1968 as amended .
30 Bousquet , aged 81 , was accused of crimes against humanity and charged with overseeing the deportation of Jews between 1942-44 .
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