Example sentences of "[vb pp] and [vb past] by the " in BNC.

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1 As part of the normal processes of a river , the stones in these shoals are neatly sorted and graded by the flowing water into an overlapping fish-scale pattern known as ‘ armouring ’ , which makes them relatively stable .
2 a number of research programmes were instituted and co–ordinated by the Department of the Environment .
3 Those soldiers not incorporated into the FAA were meant to be disarmed and demobilized by the time the new army was established .
4 The celebrations turned violent as property belonging to people connected with the former regime was attacked and looted by the crowds , and rioting broke out in which 27 people were killed .
5 That time lag is a feature that bedevils the software industry and led to the absurdity that the first generation 32-bit chip , the 80386 , had been superseded and obsoleted by the 80486 before there was a 32-bit desktop operating system available for the processor .
6 But the level of pretence he sustains after the murder is penetrated and exposed by the arrival of the very being whose absence he so insincerely deplores : ‘ Here had we now our country 's honour roofed , /Were the graced person of our Banquo present ’ ( III.iv.40ff . ) .
7 It was moved by Francis Maginn who told his audience that in almost every state of America , in addition to a National Society , there was an Association of deaf mutes organised and officered by the prominent deaf themselves , whereas in the United Kingdom , where there were about twenty thousand deaf , there was neither a regional nor a national organisation .
8 And I understand that there was a reception which erm in as far as I 'm aware was actually erm organised and financed by the contractors who were building the motorway .
9 In part that might be explained in terms of the powers of resistance possessed by the bureaucracies under attack , so that whatever change is proposed it is soon absorbed and reinterpreted by the very groups it is intended to undermine .
10 When we feel resentment or act out of a sense of duty it can sometimes be seen and felt by the person concerned .
11 One minute she had been on her hands and knees scrubbing and the next she was being wined and dined by the owner of the largest store in town .
12 Dahl for much of the time in Dresden , in the same house as the German Romantic painter Caspar David Griedrich , and both were dazzled and bewitched by the golden luminosity of Italy .
13 John Bland , as amiable a sportsman as one would wish to meet , is naturally disturbed and disheartened by the increasing number of tournaments in which he , as a South African , can not compete .
14 All 40 outstanding documents were duly written and agreed by the Bulgarian Nuclear safety Authority in time for execution .
15 Though many of these posts overlapped and the bulk of the membership were passive , it is clear that almost every avenue of expression or opinion — from welfare to warfare , from motoring to flying — was controlled , regulated and policed by the NSDAP .
16 It is a liberal questioning of criminal statistics collected and collated by the police themselves .
17 There it was collected and served by the Imperial 's own staff to the rest of the guests . ’
18 But well you know , it seems , that one such attempt has been ruined and rejected by the council , and it may take us a weary while to find a fair agreement and a council sobered enough and sensible enough to abide by it .
19 Instead of postulating a single link between CS and US we should perhaps imagine a whole collection of them ( the exact number depending on which attributes of the stimuli are noticed and encoded by the animal ) , all of which play some part in generating the CR .
20 He 'd been kidnapped and shot by the I R A at the weekend ; from Belfast , David Stokes .
21 First , that civilisation was invented by the Egyptians and then plagiarised and corrupted by the Greeks .
22 Consequently revenue is recognised as having been earned when sales are made and not when the debt is settled , and the balance sheet will therefore including details of pre-payments both made and received by the company .
23 First of all the radar signal was received and retransmitted by the Viking Lander sitting on the Martian surface .
24 The object of the authoring tool is to make it possible for the user to concentrate just on the information and design requirements of an application rather being diverted and befogged by the technical problems of putting them together in a system that works .
25 Adult pets will appreciate the ‘ floating-on-a-cloud ’ sensation that this bed creates and those aching , rheumatic joints in older pets will be eased and relaxed by the warmth and support that this new Snuggle now provides .
26 Like the less diplomatically suave authority , Theodore Haecker , whom Eliot was at times glad to call on , the author of Four Quartets and editor of The Criterion required us to take Virgil as , above all , the author of the Fourth Eclogue , the pagan poet who prophesied Christianity , whose vision of human history must accordingly be seen as completed and vindicated by The Divine Comedy .
27 The Imperial Dry Dock was completed and opened by the arrival on 30th September of S.S. Silverton , a vessel owned by Chapman & Willan Ltd , of Newcastle .
28 The dead snakes were crushed and suffocated by the sheer weight of their fellows .
29 The appeals were heard and rejected by the same appeal committee on the same day .
30 The king ordered these disputes to be heard and decided by the King 's Council on 28 June 1326 .
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