Example sentences of "[vb pp] and [prep] [art] [det] " in BNC.

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1 With a brief nod and a smile that again dazzled and at the same time almost lulled her into thinking things were going to be normal between them from now on , he left .
2 Fixed-price contracts have been normal for production contracts but on occasion this has led to claims that excess profits have been made and in a few cases repayment of the excess has been enforced .
3 Now the driver of the car had been traced and in a few minutes would be appearing at committal proceedings in the Magistrates ' Court on charges of dangerous driving , failing to report an accident , and failing to stop at the scene of an accident .
4 If she was nervous it remained hidden and in a few minutes she had put each of the sisters completely at ease , their shame and apprehension gone .
5 In 1991 there were fewer people killed on the roads in Lothian than at any time since 1975 when the Region was formed and at the same time the Region experienced the second lowest casualty total .
6 In the former case the profits arose where the property was situated and in the latter case where the rights were exercisable .
7 Of course , records are there to be broken and with a little luck , well , who knows ?
8 On replay with a correcting network , the signal is normalised and at the same time , the signal to noise ratio is improved .
9 ‘ She came back again when the baby was born and for a few months she tried , I 'll give her that .
10 In the former case D18 will be lit and in the latter case it will be extinguished .
11 pending the receipt of prompt instructions from the bank/organisation keep its interest in the policy in force up to the full sum insured and for the same risks as were covered when the bank's/organisation 's interest was notified ( subject to the insurance not having been replaced elsewhere with the consent of consent of the bank/organisation ) .
12 Samuel had already arrived and within a few minutes they were joined by Neville Chamberlain , MacDonald told them of the situation in the Cabinet , and of his advice to the King .
13 The instructions therein were religiously followed and within a few weeks a recognisable fuselage could be sat in for some ‘ hangar flying ’ .
14 The point of preparation is to be well tuned and at the same time flexible to new interpretations and ideas .
15 Jack ‘ I 'll be retiring soon ’ Duncan has finally gone and in a few weeks I shall also have a clear desk and be on my way to Viewforth , Stirling to take up my appointment as Director of Technical Services in Central Region .
16 By 1815 , a brief postwar upsurge in trade had been and gone and in the same year they went bankrupt .
17 In all nasal consonants , the soft palate is lowered and at the same time the mouth passage is blocked at some point , so that all the air is pushed out of the nose .
18 Her cancer , which had not even been mentioned during the hypnosis session , rapidly regressed and after a few weeks even all radiological evidence of it had disappeared .
19 At higher speeds it is difficult to dissipate sufficient of the energy of motion of the Moon for it to be captured and at the same time yield an Earth-Moon system that resembles the one that actually exists .
20 and nature of Man — of convincing one 's nerves that the world is full of Misery and Heartbreak , Pain , Sickness and oppression — whereby this Chamber of Maiden-Thought becomes gradually darkened and at the same time on all sides of it many doors are set open — but all dark — all leading to dark passages .
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