Example sentences of "[vb pp] his [noun pl] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 They were joined there by earl Rivers , who had left the prince at Stony Stratford and ridden north to greet the dukes , having first dispersed his men among neighbouring villages to ensure accommodation near the prince for the new arrivals .
2 They were joined there by earl Rivers , who had left the prince at Stony Stratford and ridden north to greet the dukes , having first dispersed his men among neighbouring villages to ensure accommodation near the prince for the new arrivals .
3 I am sorry that the hon. Gentleman was not able to join us in Committee because I have enjoyed his contributions in previous Committees of which he has been a member .
4 Zhukov had long since realized that there was little money in photographic portraiture and had turned his talents to other , more profitable sidelines .
5 You have kept this march inviolate from the encroachments of the Prince of Gwynedd , and you have seen his inroads on those less wary and less able than yourself .
6 An aircraft engineer , currently servicing this type of aircraft , has offered his services for such a recovery .
7 He had offered his services to this Scotland Yard fellow in his rob as a magistrate , only to have them refused .
8 Mr Douglas Wilson as offered his services in this connection .
9 It 's the ultimate insult when that politician belongs to a political party that throughout twelve years of Government has washed his hands of any responsibility for the rights and aspirations of people with disabilities .
10 In contrast to the crescendo of fury from Downes , Morse 's voice was very quiet indeed , and beside him WPC Wright was not absolutely sure that she 'd transcribed his words with total accuracy .
11 Ah Charlotte no , he 's got his shoes on that 'll hurt if he catches you .
12 He 's got his teeth into this , he 's angry and he does n't seem to have a lot to live for really .
13 ‘ It 's all the more credit to him that he 's got his goals in this era . ’
14 I explained how I 'd attempted to fire at the Corporal as Kaptan lay on the ground and how the gun had malfunctioned ; it would be more accurate to say I 'd been first to aim but the Corporal had got his shots off first .
15 He noticed that Suragai had not used his hands at all during the manoeuvre .
16 ‘ When the guard — he was a KGB man ’ — Myeloski had raised his eyebrows at that point — ‘ had gone , I wandered around the library .
17 In spite of opinion polls suggesting public disapproval , the Education Secretary , John Patten , has defended his plans for national school tests .
18 Like all good leaders , he has stoutly defended his men at various times as the victims of smog , aggressive prawns and a railway system which makes even British Rail resemble a Swiss timepiece .
19 This is to certify that … has successfully completed an advanced training course in the following subjects : Information Management , Plant Information Systems , Database Design and Construction , Word Processing , and Personal Computer Operating Systems ; and that he has demonstrated his abilities in these subjects by constructing a database of the Economically Useful Plants of India .
20 Since Brusilov had not concentrated his troops in any one area , nor made tactical probes , and since the artillery bombardment lasted so short a time , the Austrians had no inkling of his intentions .
21 From this it would appear that a party can be considered to have waived his rights without full knowledge of the facts .
22 He said : ‘ This policy is closely identified with Mr Major who , as Treasury Chief Secretary , Chancellor and Premier has clearly nailed his colours to this mast .
23 In the face of many attacks , he continued imperturbably on his way — the dogs barked , but the caravan moved on — and this steadfastness seems to have aroused his critics to further ineffectual fury .
24 ‘ Maman , I have an idea , ’ the prince said , having racked his brains for further persuasions and clutching this time at straws .
25 The history of the Empire is full of strife , and on occasion one Count has marched his armies against another , and knights from different provinces have fought each other despite being part of the same Order .
26 That has limited his appearances in top championships , which a world-beater needs in the final sharpening up process .
27 ‘ It seems my nephew is so besotted with your sister that he 's treated his parents with arrant discourtesy , walking away from the opportunity of meeting his father 's cousin who is flying in from the States — a man who could be influential in his future career .
28 It had haunted his dreams for eight years .
29 Goose had haunted his dreams for ten days .
30 He was humble minded and never forced his opinions down other people 's throats .
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