Example sentences of "[vb pp] from [noun sg] to end " in BNC.

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1 The play was a two-hander , which meant that it was carried from beginning to end by the two stars .
2 In a sentence such as ( 1b ) not only does did situate its lexical supplement ( eat ) in time like any other auxiliary , but it also evokes all the time necessary to actualize the infinitive 's lexeme and so produces a representation of an event seen from beginning to end as something that really takes its place in time .
3 It had struggled from beginning to end , had depended entirely on charity throughout its four-year existence , and now the girls working there were being irresponsibly left destitute .
4 Chorus numbers were sung in full , and the Hoflin girl 's little solo in Act Two was performed from beginning to end , but Ingrid , who was singing Lisa — not such a heavy role , but she still had a couple of solos — was resting her voice again , and the rest just walked and hummed their roles .
5 It was some time before he realized that the entire Sakata factory was lit from end to end by bright , dazzling light .
6 A gut , a large blood vessel and a nerve cord run from front to end through all the segments , linking and co-ordinating them .
7 On the contrary , it was recognized that the system was divinely appointed from beginning to end .
8 He felt every motion of tongue and tooth in play upon him , his prick particularized by her appetite , becoming vast in his mind 's eye until it was his body 's size : a veiny torso and a blind head lying on the bed of his belly wet from end to end , straining and shuddering , while she , the darkness , swallowed him utterly .
9 The " ideal " referred to at the beginning of this chapter is of marriage in which fidelity between partners is maintained from beginning to end .
10 What is of considerable interest and of value in assessing the rights and wrongs of it , is the fact that it was conducted from beginning to end entirely on the one issue , that of the sovereign rights of the inhabitants .
11 According to classical mechanics , in theory you could write down the position and momentum of every single particle in the universe ; you could therefore work out how everything is going backwards and forwards in time , obviously by highly complicated equations , but in theory , everything 's predicted so everything 's totally determined from beginning to end ; but quantum mechanics says that you can never record the momentum and position of everything identically because of the Uncertainty Principle .
12 He was absolutely colossal — about 5 foot 10 inches tall and 6 foot wide , and carrying a riding crop covered from end to end with thick black tape .
13 it is an artists ' book of the first order , the making of which has been managed from beginning to end by the artist herself , thereby satisfying her desire for creative control over every aspect of its production .
14 It must then be levelled from end to end and side to side by means of a board and spirit level ( Fig 2b ) .
15 Fig. 2 ( b ) The pool must be levelled from end to end and from side to side by means of a board and spirit level .
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