Example sentences of "[vb pp] by her [noun sg] for " in BNC.

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1 And the kids , then aged eleven and thirteen , sat by her side for four hours holding her hand and telling her she was going to get better .
2 And , by the Married Women 's Property Act 1964 , any money derived by a wife from an allowance made by her husband for housekeeping purposes , or any property acquired out of it , is deemed , in the absence of any agreement between them to the contrary , to belong in equal shares to the husband and wife .
3 If , however , your parent is so seriously ill physically or mentally that she is no longer capable of dealing with her own financial affairs at any level , arrangements can be made by her solicitor for these to be dealt with by a government department known as the Court of Protection , and you should discuss this matter with the solicitor .
4 HER husband , Tom , has slept by her bedside for the last three months .
5 If he hoped to persuade Mrs Thatcher that the releases were a favour to her and should be rewarded by her support for lifting sanctions , he will be disappointed .
6 Louise Farrenc , who numbered Schumann among her fans , is remembered by her Nonet for strings and wind of 1849 , while the hapless Marie Antoinette is immortalised in the nickname of her favourite symphony , Haydn 's No85 , La Reine de France .
7 Somehow the surroundings seemed blurred by her thirst for knowledge .
8 b ) Brave , passionate , deeply misunderstood woman crucified by her love for the heartless , impossible , provincial Flaubert .
9 CIRCUS target Pat King-Magee dodged bullets , knives and bull whips aimed by her husband for ten years .
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