Example sentences of "[vb pp] by [art] [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In Britain , at least , communications are dominated by a few millionaire proprietors and a few large conglomerate companies .
2 Truman , lacking the experience of foreign affairs , was surrounded by the same advisers as Roosevelt and was willing to continue the same policy .
3 As for Freud , the clitoris continues to be surrounded by the same problems that it held for nineteenth-century medicine .
4 The restrictive covenant cases demonstrate that a covenant will not be upheld on the basis of the status of the information which might be disclosed by a former employee if he is not restrained , unless it can be regarded as a business secret or the equivalent of a business secret .
5 Only three of the players who reached the final of a recent South American tournament ( won by the All Blacks ) are on duty .
6 I believe the Gold Award has never been won by the same publication two years running , so after our success last year I thought BNFL news would be out of the frame .
7 A PUB landlord was attacked by a former customer he had barred days before , a court heard .
8 Attacked by the same thing that got Silk .
9 Because the glial growth factors and specific activators of the p185 erbB2 receptor are encoded by the same gene , we suggest that the formation of tumours derived from Schwann cells , and perhaps from other glial sources , is regulated by the supply of glial growth factors and by the activity of the p185 erbB2 receptor tyrosine kinase .
10 On many occasions I have heard environmentalists say that they do not wish to be ‘ tarred by the same brush ’ which has so comprehensively covered some extremists in the Animal Rights Movement and which has brought that movement into disrepute .
11 The workshop , which was sponsored by WACC , was organised by the All Africa Conference of Churches to examine the role of Christian communication in prophecy and witnessing from a woman 's perspective .
12 Organised by the same curator as the Bagatelle exhibition , Solange Auzias de Turenne , ‘ Moore Intime ’ features a life-size reconstruction of rooms from Moore 's house , ‘ Hoglands ’ , complete with contents down to the books in the same order as the artist left them in the bookcases , and items from his art collection which served as inspiration for his work .
13 The show is organised by the same people who put on the Clothes Show and will have stands and information about all kinds of pet animals .
14 Farmers however are entitled to obtain vacant possession of a house occupied by a former employee in order to provide accommodation for a present or prospective agricultural employee .
15 Having congratulated Cabinet members on their return , Major yesterday baffled the gathering by noting that the new Attorney General , Sir Nicholas Lyell , lived in a house that was once occupied by the former Kent cricketer Alfred Mynn .
16 And these roles are are occupied by the same people every year ?
17 Despite many brands and designs , skiing hardware companies are owned by a few umbrella companies .
18 Property owned by the former Somoza dictatorship and its private army , the National Guard , would not be returned , although even here , any anomalies would be examined .
19 The ‘ offset ’ policy extends the bubble concept so as to allow interfirm trading of emission permits among activities not located in the same plant or not owned by the same firm .
20 We moved to Streatham Hill in June 1951 , to an estate owned by the same company , later to be taken over by Lambeth Council .
21 We focused on the two newspapers owned by the same person , Rupert Murdoch , and which included the most rape reports — thirty-two in the Sun and seventy-two in the News of the World in which not one rape case in 1978 was covered by both newspapers .
22 Why were its contents not scattered by the same hand that turned the records of the Strategy Unit out of their covers ?
23 Of particular interest is that these two applications , within the same factory and installed by the same management team , had radically different impacts on the experience of work of the operators .
24 Several weeks later he was approached by the same man and a colleague in a Dungannon street , when he was ‘ explicitly asked to work for and provide information for them . ’
25 That it was once much greater is attested by the many traces of former lazy-beds to be seen on the grazing land .
26 Bourdieu 's articles on markets preceded by a few years his pieces on ‘ fields ’ .
27 The position is neatly summarized by a former chairman of the British Railways Board , Lord Beeching :
28 Moin soon played across Lewis and was taken by Hick at second slip , and then Mallender came back and had Waqar caught by the same fieldsman .
29 The only logical conclusion is that Brampton and Vechey were hanged by the same person . ’
30 We 've been told to take off times , but if there 's one certainty , they 'll be rescheduled by a few hours before the season starts .
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