Example sentences of "[vb pp] by [art] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Feminist scholars have shown how all academic disciplines have been dominated by a male view of the world .
2 ‘ By the beginning of 1960 ’ , he wrote , ‘ it could no longer be denied that certain parts of London at night were dominated by a new spirit of insecurity ’ : ‘ juvenile delinquency had for the first time in Britain become elevated to the status of a national problem ’ .
3 Standards have gone up consistently over the six years of the league and , although still dominated by a new wave of running clubs that have burgeoned over the last decade , more and more of the traditional athletics clubs have been paying more attention to the competition .
4 The mode and relations of production in an economy dominated by a smallholding peasantry strengthen the ability of the bureaucracy to control without strengthening the ability of other political institutions to intervene in a representative capacity .
5 Q2 's accommodation is dominated by a forward-facing chart table just abaft the Proctor mast .
6 Cressy , the waiflike wife , is a refugee from a strange Catholic family community dominated by a patriarchal grandfather who as an artist has something of Holman Hunt ( I fancy ) as well as of Eric Gill , who more immediately inspired him .
7 The study of religion in the context of local history will be influenced by such things as ‘ Was the area dominated by a religious institution in medieval times ? ’
8 But the basic changes towards a farming system dominated by a limited range of plants , most of which are cereals , can only have reduced variety in farmland wildlife , including birds .
9 The unusual structure of the Daily Herald certainly prevented it being dominated by a small group , apart from the elected brothers of the TUC council .
10 ‘ The existence of such a body is seen as giving more appropriate recognition to the commercial and practical realities of an auditing services market dominated by a small number of large accounting firms . ’
11 The European car industry has increasingly become dominated by a small number of large companies .
12 Heavy industry was largely concentrated in a handful of favoured regions , dominated by a small number of major and in part foreign-owned firms , and closely dependent upon the government for subsidies and contracts .
13 Retail banking , insurance , property , shipping , communications , and retailing , for example , are all dominated by a small number of giant enterprises .
14 Although technical monopoly may be a rarity , as already noted markets are commonly dominated by a small number of large producers .
15 Many industries are dominated by a small number of large companies ; because of their relative share of the market , the existence of barriers to entry , and the differentiated character of their products , these companies are not pure price- takers , but have the ability to increase their prices above marginal cost .
16 Suppliers operating in industrial markets dominated by a small number of large companies may find it possible to base their annual and long term forecasts on the expected purchases of these customers .
17 The striking feature is the extent of congruence across a range of different musical practices , resulting in a not exactly homogeneous musical field but one clearly dominated by a bourgeois synthesis .
18 A succession of marquees led to the fairground complex , dominated by a great ferris wheel .
19 The dark taproom was dominated by a morose Cranston , who sat slumped on a bench with his back against the wall .
20 A popular resort , its beaches stretch for miles and the city 's particular charm lies in its past — we visited underground Minoan tombs and explored an old Venetian town , dominated by a well-preserved fortezza and mosques dating from as early as 1670 .
21 There is the standard , spacious , minimally-furnished living room , tastefully carpeted in subdued oatmeal and dominated by a long sofa and oversized TV .
22 Thomas Huxley , the great biologist , whose household was dominated by a long series of cats over a period of forty years , described how one of them , a young tabby tom-cat , developed the alarming game of jumping on the shoulders of his dinner-guests and refusing to dismount until they fed him some titbit .
23 The room , possibly used as a chancery by the duke , was dominated by a long table with chairs down either side and a high-backed , throne-like seat at the top .
24 Navigation and survey project work run from Swindon was dominated by a second season working for the Italian Government on search and salvage of aircraft wreckage deep offshore Italy .
25 This meant that whichever of the leading candidates was eventually declared president , he or she would have to face a legislature dominated by a rival party .
26 Empirically however , the last century has been dominated by a major movement of people away from the countryside , although in the past 10 or 20 years there has been a significant repopulation of rural areas .
27 He was replaced by a Muslim revolutionary regime dominated by a 79-year-old theologian , the Ayatollah Khomeini .
28 In the West , again , warfare was largely , though by no means completely , dominated by a defensive spirit .
29 In fact , it would be true to say that my first impression was of a man entirely dominated by a regular pattern of tight ginger curlicues of hair .
30 She was disconcerted to find that she walked into what was the main bedroom , dominated by a four-poster bed already turned down for the night .
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