Example sentences of "[vb pp] with [art] [adj] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Unemployment mixed with the political and racial problems have been blamed for the soaring crime rate .
2 The felspar crystals in some granite have become weak clay , called kaolin , which remains mixed with the gritty but loose crystals of quartz and mica .
3 Utterly disillusioned with the cynical and incompetent leadership of Stalin and the Communist Party , his faith in the Soviet system finally broken by seeing his army destroyed around him , he took an irrevocable decision .
4 He had found his lighter in the briefcase , as well as a letter that was embossed with a blue and gold eagle above the rubric ‘ From the Washington Office of Senator George Crowninshield ’ .
5 I felt I was beginning to lose the battle , and the diary for the remainder of the term is full of expressions of hatred for the school , interspersed with the repeated and heartfelt question , ‘ Why ca n't they leave me alone ? ’
6 Thousands of people had been presented with an alternative and had decided according to an inner inspiration .
7 The Communists saw this as a revival of the Vienna International of 1920 , which had eventually merged with the Labour and Socialist International .
8 Gradually the old has merged with the new and the grandchildren of the ‘ young couples ’ who moved into the ‘ new ’ houses are now becoming the second generation to attend Keyingham school .
9 I was threatened with a drunk and disorderly charge — I was neither .
10 In Cornwall in 1796 , 1801 and 1812 a noose and contract was taken around to farmers , who were threatened with the former if they did not agree to sign the latter .
11 If he hopped into bed with you that night , he was only doing what he 'd done with a hundred and one others . ’
12 It was a time when he was immensely drawn to panache , and he felt done with the prim and the hangdog for good .
13 But the ICA responded to this challenge as it has always done with the difficult or the new ; with the sort of calculated risk-taking that the majority of Arts Council-sponsored venues habitually shy away from .
14 Theodora watched the familiar scene from the comfort of her new mount , Roger , an enormous seventeen-hand chestnut with quarters like a tank , who , however , moved with a balanced and educated ease far different from that of the novice Cranmer .
15 The second lecture , closely connected with the first and , like the first , closing with a portentous allusion to contemporary music drama , was given at the beginning of February , and dealt with the mysterious " death " of tragedy at the end of the fifth century .
16 Having re-evaluated one statement we must re-evaluate some others , which may be statements logically connected with the first or may be the statements of logical connections themselves .
17 Detailed classification of the crinoids is based principally on the way the calcite plates are arranged on the calyx with the number and branching patterns of the arms , the external sculpture on the calyx , and important internal features of the cup connected with the nervous and respiratory systems .
18 In particular , it has a lower jaw so loosely connected with the upper that it can be pushed forward like a long narrow spoon .
19 Pleasure should have an important place in Marxist aesthetics , Lovell concluded , but theoretical work on pleasure should be connected with the political and with analysis of popular culture as a prime site of ideological contestation :
20 Is the Secretary of State aware that his scandalous decision will be greeted by outrage not only in Aberdeen and the surrounding area by everyone connected with the medical and caring professions but by everyone right across the political spectrum in the north-east of Scotland , including the hapless Marcus Humphrey ?
21 The important point is this : is the use of an overseas company like Sterling ( where inquiries about the real ownership of shareholdings in threatened companies are met with a polite but firm snub ) acceptable within a legalframework trying to ensure fair play ?
22 But those changes were not met with the politicized and combative attitudes of the past .
23 If we can determine ‘ origins ’ in Shakespearean drama , it is likely to be through examining what evidence we can of the plays ' 'destinations ' , the conditions of performance in the theatre matched with the cultural and social conditions of production .
24 Only when the barriers of ignorance and fear are destroyed will our mentally handicapped community be fully integrated into our society , and decisions and judgements — perhaps of a life or death nature — be made with a full and real understanding of the issues involved .
25 Bernard immediately renewed a contact he had made with the Industrial and Commercial Finance Corporation ltd ( ICFC ) to secure a loan , the company 's first major borrowing .
26 There are problems in assessing these claims , in part because of disputes over the starting date — 1979 , when Mrs Thatcher came to office , or 1981 , the low point of the recession — and whether comparison is made with the 1970s or 1960s .
27 His neat modern home — his study stuffed with the 100 or so original runners for the 1989 Booker Prize , whose judging panel he is chairing — is still close to the University of Birmingham , where he became Professor of English in 1976 , but he took early retirement two years ago .
28 It may well be a ‘ parody ’ : the eight songs attributable to Bedyngham are between them supplied with no fewer than twenty-six different texts in four languages ; three remain doubtful as to their form , but two are ballades and three rondeaux , forms well known and widely practised in England at the time .
29 Through the government 's own policies , therefore , Siberia was well supplied with an experienced and committed cohort of exiled revolutionary activists when revolution itself , followed by civil war , swept across the country during and after 1917 .
30 Soon , the grey-clad German infantry , equipped with a new and revolting weapon — the flame thrower — advanced in small formations on the French , along a 3.3km/4ml front between Bois de Haumont and Herbevois on the east bank of the Meuse .
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