Example sentences of "[vb pp] that for a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 In view of the changes in glucose tolerance in pregnancy Lind has recommended that for a 75 g glucose tolerance test the two hour cut off should be 9 mmol/l and for the one hour test , 10.5 mmol/l .
2 And as she attended the first parade of the Princess of Wales 's Royal Regiment , she joked : ‘ It has to be said that for a 31-year-old woman to have 2,500 men under her command is quite a feat but I am sure I will rise to the occasion . ’
3 And as she attended the first parade of the Princess of Wales 's Royal Regiment , she joked : ‘ It has to be said that for a 31-year-old woman to have 2,500 men under her command is quite a feat but I am sure I will rise to the occasion . ’
4 It can be argued that for a second chamber , whose main functions are the consideration of less controversial Bills and the revision of other Bills from the other place without , however , power finally to frustrate the will of the democratically-elected chamber , ( as is now the case with the House of Lords , see below , pp.98–9 ) the fact that it is undemocratic matters little , provided that it is competent to do the job expected of it .
5 It may be seen that for a low value of b/a the surface-charge density changes considerably around the circumference of the cylinder .
6 Indeed , the APU results have shown that for a national sample of pupils ( c ) is harder than ( a ) , which is harder than ( b ) .
7 In general , it can be shown that for a large sample of size , n , and where all the elements of the matrices and are unrestricted , the statistic : is distributed as a chi-square variate with g degrees of freedom where , once again , g is the number of restrictions on the model .
8 The excavations , a joint venture between British and Italian authorities ( Provincia d'Isernia ) and directed for the last twelve years by the School 's director , Dr Richard Hodges , have shown that for a brief period in the early ninth century San Vincenzo was an exceptional place with far-flung connections .
9 Mercury Communications Ltd has announced that for a monthly subscription of £135 , any customer , whether a subscriber to British Telecommunications Plc or Mercury , can now use two of the latter 's range of Callink services .
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