Example sentences of "[vb pp] [pn reflx] to [art] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 James Tyrell had evidently committed himself to the Yorkists by 1471 , when he was knighted at Tewkesbury , and it may have been links with the crown which eased his passage into Gloucester 's service .
2 James Tyrell had evidently committed himself to the Yorkists by 1471 , when he was knighted at Tewkesbury , and it may have been links with the crown which eased his passage into Gloucester 's service .
3 It must have transmitted itself to the patients , for even they gave up after their initial attempts at jollity , and by mid-morning a definite air of gloom seemed to have settled over the place .
4 A stone age management opportunity has revealed itself to the Directors of AIB Bank plc in Britain .
5 And as I say ’ ( Morse looked slowly around his audience ) ‘ it was one of your own group who performed this grisly task — a man — a man who would have felt little squeamishness about first stripping the dead man of his clothes — for there had been much blood , much messy , sticky blood which almost inevitably would have transferred itself to the clothes of the man disposing of the body ; a man who for the last ten years of his working life had been inured to such gruesome matters , as a moderately competent ‘ mortician ’ in America . ’
6 Not that her cousin 's health had relapsed , or anything like that , but her mood had communicated itself to the twins , who 'd been particularly fractious and difficult .
7 Having sold himself to the things he loves .
8 It appeared very much as if the judicial system had bent itself to the needs of the politicians and that , in particular , the principles of the rule of law to which the NIRC earlier paid such respect had been sacrificed to the expediency of the political and economic situation .
9 Instead , the main ingredient of success appears to be that they have consistently geared themselves to the needs of international trade .
10 No longer were we ‘ engagé volontaires ’ , who could be treated as nothings — we had proved ourselves to the instructors on our course , and henceforth they would treat us as legionnaires and expect us to behave as such .
11 He 's a good motivator , has endeared himself to the players and if they 're on your side as a manager you 've got at least a fighting chance .
12 As a result , PW had ‘ thereby disentitled itself to the fees it has been paid ’ .
13 Leeds captain Gary McAllister has pledged himself to the champions .
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