Example sentences of "[vb pp] [indef pn] [to-vb] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Sitting up had done nothing to relieve the cramping agony inside me .
2 It 's done nothing to tackle the short-term nature of the market in energy .
3 It 's done nothing to tackle the desperate need for a balanced energy policy that looks at the long-term needs of the country .
4 Can I also add that it will also instigate centrally determined policing policies , very much akin to other government policies , particularly economic policies which have , as yet , done nothing to address the underlying causes of crime and there are fears and I 'm quoting here from the er the response made by the Association of Metropolitan Authorities , the Association of County Councils and the Association of District Councils that it could lead to a national Police force .
5 In quoting this extract twelve years later , the Report of the Inquiry into Prison Disturbances by Lord Justice Woolf found that the management changes which had taken place since 1979 had done nothing to reduce the deep-felt sense of dissatisfaction , and that in many establishments there was a strong feeling of distrust of headquarters .
6 Nor , significantly , in the realm of religion does Jesus appear to have done anything to counter the inferior position in which women were placed .
7 Neither he nor the exiles have done anything to help the starving people who wander the streets of the capital , Monrovia , looking for food and a future .
8 She and I are long since sworn one to aid the other , ’ said the Robemaker .
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