Example sentences of "[vb pp] [that] [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It was generally supposed that in the days of wheel spinning six spinners were needed to keep a weaver at work , and the area around the centres of cloth manufacture within which spinning was put out was so much more extensive than that in which the weaving was undertaken that spinning was done " almost everywhere " .
2 It should be stressed that in the Goff v Gauthier case , the misrepresentation was of fundamental importance in inducing the defendant to enter the contract and was not a minor misrepresentation which it was suggested that clause 10 would have excluded .
3 Yet it must be stressed that in the eyes of Frederick and most of his contemporaries his rule was never a crude despotism .
4 The officers were reminded that during the party split over common market membership in 1971 an executive member who opposed the Government line took the ‘ honourable course ’ and resigned .
5 The reader is reminded that for the purpose of establishing the Created God , that mysterious ‘ something ’ which initiated the process must be firmly relegated to the pre-life infinity of the universe , and its study left to science , as discussed later .
6 Sara , sitting opposite him , on the other side of the solicitor 's desk , some weeks after her aunt 's death , was so affronted that for the moment she could not speak .
7 It has been forgotten that in the case of a very common expression ( historical materialism ) one should put the accent on the first term — ‘ historical ’ — and not on the second , which is of metaphysical origin .
8 Let it not be forgotten that in the years leading to the war the Tories were so scared of Russia that they missed the chance to establish a partnership which might well have prevented war .
9 I have never forgotten that near the end of his life my Father told me that in his loneliness Basil was the one of his five children who had given him most sympathy and understanding .
10 It was claimed that in the Krajna ( Serb populated areas ) over 90 per cent had voted to remain in Yugoslavia .
11 The second principle used in tone-unit boundary identification is a rhythmical one : it is claimed that within the tone-unit , speech has a regular rhythm , but that rhythm is broken or interrupted at the tone-unit boundary .
12 Whenever there 's been officers get together , then W R A D itself paid for my travelling expenses and I have never claimed that from the authority , as I did n't believe that was proper .
13 The Crown has claimed that by the time he was arrested in the summer of 1991 his alleged computer forays had breached security surrounding a number of systems including one at EC headquarters , another at a world famous centre for cancer research and treatment and others at various universities .
14 But it should be added that at the press preview , I seemed to be only one of several spectators who chose to devote themselves during these scenes to a meticulous scrutiny of their shoes .
15 It should be added that for the sake of building up a realistic scenario for the exercise , incidents involving ‘ enemy ’ forces are interjected .
16 It might be added that in the Belfast data no instances of these ( in either its pronoun or determiner function ) or of the related form theseuns were found as subjects of singular verbs .
17 It was forecast that by the close of 1991 the revenue from sales worldwide of CD-ROM hardware and software would have amounted to some $3.2 billion of which the title component would be $2.3 billion , a proportion which would steadily increase .
18 Ministerial Flannel IT HAS been reported that at the launch of National Dyslexia Week , the Duke of Westminster , entering into the spirit of the occasion ( and surely nothing else was intended ) , introduced the junior education minister and Darlington MP .
19 It is considered that in the past the children 's learning in crucial areas of their lives may have been either insufficient or inappropriate .
20 ‘ You never caught that in the Severn did you ? , ’ she whispered .
21 It is recommended that at the start of a particular project , the project manager should draw up a set of guidelines for filling in module headers .
22 If you record the drill it is recommended that in the production state you have the LH say the whole phrase after you .
23 From the start , it was realised that for the branch of an American headhunting firm in London to gain credibility and attract clients unused to search , it was necessary to appoint British consultants and researchers rather than Americans , but nevertheless with strong support and detailed advice from the corporate headquarters across the Atlantic .
24 However it was realised that upon the accession of the UK to the EC a disproportionate financing burden would fall upon that country .
25 I should have realised that from the fact that Micky said ‘ Oh Lord ’ — an expression , incidentally , that was n't in the script of the play and that he had never used in his life — before he turned round from the Hooded Owl and looked into the wings .
26 they , they would normally of er received that during the year ending August nineteen ninety two
27 Winter freezing closed the Trent and Mersey Canal for five weeks in 1814 – 15 , and Freeman has calculated that on the canals of the Lancashire plain there must have been twenty-day stoppages in thirty of the winters between 1771 and 1831 and thirty-day stoppages in ten of those .
28 On behalf of FoE , three environmental scientists from the University of East Anglia have calculated that by the year 2030 sea levels in the southeast of England will be between 28 and 84 centimetres higher than today .
29 Indeed , it has been calculated that by the end of the decade some 3 billion pages of information will be published by businesses worldwide .
30 The party leadership in Scotland has dismissed that on the grounds that those MPs who are associated with Scotland United represent constituencies where action against the carrying of knives would have the greatest effect .
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