Example sentences of "[vb pp] [coord] [verb] for a " in BNC.

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1 Systems have alreeady been designed and installed for a variety of chilled products , including sandwiches , poulty and poultry products , prime cuts of meat , meat products , such as pies and pasties , pizzas and so on .
2 Halfway down the length of the tunnel a patten caught an advancing man under the chin so that his alarmed cry was cut off short as he was lifted and carried for a distance of several paces before he fell away .
3 After a 20 minute incubation at 22°C , MgCl 2 ( to 10mM ) , CaCl 2 ( to 2mM ) and 0.0625 units of DNase I were added , mixed and incubated for a further 60 seconds , after which time 20µg of proteinase K in 100µl of a buffer containing 1% SDS , 100µg/ml tRNA , 200mM NaCl , 20mM EDTA was added and the reaction incubated at 50°C for a further 20 mins .
4 After washing , 100 µl of substrate ( tetramethylbenzidine in DMSO ( 10 mg/ml ) dilutes 1 in 100 in 0.15 M citrate buffer and containing H 2 O 2 to a final concentration of 1.3 M/l ) were added and incubated for a further 15 minutes .
5 Briefly , approximately 10 ng of purified protein A-fusion protein was preincubated in 20 µl of binding buffer ( 10 mM Hepes ( pH 7.9 ) , 60 mM KCl , 1 mM DTT , 1 mM EDTA , 0.25 mg/ml bovine serum albumin and 12% glycerol ) with appropriate competitor DNA for 5 min at room temperature , then 10 fmol ( approx. 20,000 cpm ) of 32 P-labelled , annealed octamer oligonucleotides were added and incubated for a further 20 min at room temperature .
6 The Pan-African Union for Social Democracy called for the total rejection of any modification of the election timetable , while on Sept. 15 the National Alliance for Democracy ( AND ) , a grouping of about 40 political parties , demanded that the 12-month transition period be respected and called for a reshuffle of André Milongo 's transitional government .
7 During my early career , for instance , when one of the shift was caught and sentenced for a string of burglaries , the others skirted around their implicit knowledge that ‘ there but for the grace of God goes everyone ’ , and comforted themselves by recalling ( with the aid of the hindsight-ometer ) that he had ‘ never been a real polis … always been a bit of a loner , something of an outsider … ’
8 Then , just as if the world had frozen and stopped for a moment , she saw the woman in the driving seat , face white , eyes glassy with shock , the mouth stretched in a grimace which looked like terror .
9 This protein was then purified and tested for an ability to be phosphorylated in a crude HeLa cell nuclear extract ( Figure 1C ) .
10 However , there are cases ( such as property specially built or adapted for a particular occupier ) where modifications are needed .
11 Ten more receive similar help in Colombia and three in Pakistan , while a member of the Rome office successfully applied and studied for an MBA in industrial management .
12 The temporary nature of her job , staying only a few weeks at any one place , meant she had met and worked for a wide variety of men .
13 He turned , their eyes met and held for a long , tense moment , then suddenly Penry flung away , so precipitate in his hurry to leave that he forgot to duck .
14 And for £8.72 a family of four can be fed and clothed for a week .
15 These attacks , plus an incident in which two men , a Briton and a Zimbabwean , were kidnapped and held for a month by the MNR in February-March , led to renewed doubts about the security of the Beira corridor between Zimbabwe and the central Mozambican port , which provided a major fuel and transport artery for Zimbabwean trade .
16 First performed in 1932 , it was enthusiastically received and ran for a year .
17 The difference between the monotonous beat of pop music and the rhythmical architecture of a great symphony is precisely that in classical music the primitive reaction is delayed and denied for a more varied satisfaction .
18 He had chartered and paid for a Learjet from the Hansa operation two weeks before for the same trip , LaGuardia to Acapulco .
19 A spiral corkscrew perm that just has to be washed and left for a full-bodied look .
20 Some of these programs belong to the Shareware scheme which means that they can be used and evaluated for a few weeks , and you pay the registration fee only if you continue to use them .
21 Controversy about essential hypertension has waxed and waned for a century , and what is orthodox today may change with time .
22 The moving immediacy of the situation is diluted and exchanged for a homiletic tone .
23 He felt mercifully isolated and stopped for a while to lean back on the lower bank of fell .
24 The ship remains afloat and is towed by a French gunboat to the port where the four in the small boat , picked up by a passing ship , are duly landed and detained for a court-martial .
25 Then the collection of gastric juice was restarted and continued for a final 60 minutes .
26 ( i ) Of course , when A = Z and ρ is multiplication , the above merely repeats results we 've known and used for a long time .
27 Stratford , a royal diplomat , had been provided to Winchester in 1323 against the wishes of the king and paid a heavy penalty for it : his temporalities were seized and exploited for a year , and even after they were restored Stratford was placed under recognizances of £10,000 to the king ( £2000 down and the rest conditional upon his good conduct ) , £1000 to the Despensers , and 1000 marks to the chancellor , Robert Baldock , a clerk for whom Edward had intended the bishopric ; moreover , Stratford was summoned to answer in the King 's Bench for his conduct of a royal mission to the papacy .
28 Another exodus began at 6.30 a.m. on 1 September 1939 , when Glasgow children began assembling at 57 schools , 70,000 weans scrubbed and labelled for a bewildering adventure .
29 Cannon , after a miss , hit and lay for a single at the fourth and then they stole two at the fifth where Muirhead just failed by a fraction with a raised take out .
30 Nancarrow , on his third match point , at 9–9 , played another drop which was not that tight and Marshall , closing in to drive it deep , was obstructed and asked for a let .
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