Example sentences of "[vb pp] [coord] [verb] in one " in BNC.

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1 Balcha was a Gurage by origin ; as a boy he had been wounded and castrated in one of the many battles which Menelik had fought while subduing the southern tribes .
2 Every establishment has been inspected and classified in one of 6 levels — from Listed to 5 Crown .
3 This does not mean , of course , that the books should have been concentrated or displayed in one location , although some teachers desired this as a way of focusing attention on the library and its new books .
4 With interactive use of LIFESPAN , if a module is updated and approved in one package , it is likely that the task for managers of other packages which contain that module will , at some time , be to embody that change within their package .
5 He stopped wearing the goggles and was struck and blinded in one eye by a piece of metal .
6 A more specialized collection may be indexed in greater depth or with greater exhaustivity ; up to 20 or 30 separate themes may be identified and indexed in one document .
7 The closely-knit composition is conceived and executed in one plane across the picture surface , a device which simplifies and unites the picture .
8 In 1988 , paintings on loan from the New York Public Library were found to have mildewed and rotted in one of the society 's warehouses .
9 In which case Brussels will ban or otherwise limit advertising throughout the EC for spirits , certain over-the-counter drugs and contraceptives , simply because it is banned or controlled in one country or another .
10 Also as more and more brain regions were found to show LTP-like effects , it became important to know whether LTP is one phenomenon or many — ; that is , whether the mechanism whereby it is initiated and maintained in one region is the same in others .
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