Example sentences of "[vb pp] [adv] as [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Two lossy dielectric materials are joined together as shown in Fig. 3.18. determine the voltages across each material and the surface charge density at the boundary if a voltage V is applied .
2 Gilding , normally done by taking powered gold mixed with mercury to form an amalgam , was painted onto the surface and then heated so as to drive off the mercury .
3 Where there is only one in-situ anchor , or else you are making your own anchor points , the first person down should have back-up protection , clipped independently into the abseil ropes , and adjusted so as to come into immediate effect if the main anchor fails , but without directly supporting it .
4 A trade union was now to become , in the Webbs ' first definition ‘ a continuous association of wage earners for the purpose of maintaining or improving the conditions of their employment ’ , a definition later altered so as to refer to ‘ working lives ’ rather than ‘ employment ’ .
5 Purchase behaviour will , again , be altered so as to come into line with the customary behaviour of the reference group .
6 4.4 The Company will place purchase orders with the Supplier for quantities of the Products as and when required , and the Supplier shall accept the same , provided that all such orders will be placed so as to allow to the Supplier at least 90 days for delivery .
7 The letters should be sufficiently large and should be placed so as to cater for patients with poor vision .
8 Firstly , the 1971 and 1976 directives need to be modified so as to deal with certain procedural weaknesses and to close the loopholes which member states have exploited .
9 On these grounds , Acts of Parliament which inadvertently contradict elements of Community law are modified so as to comply with the European Communities Act .
10 Kaunda is now reported here as talking of Rhodesia as becoming another Phnom Penh ( or however you spell it ) , or Saigon .
11 Walsingham and Knighton also attempted to blame Wyclif and the Lollards for propagating revolt , but this must be seen only as scaremongering by the established order in the Church , attempting to tar the socially conservative academic heretic with the brush of revolution .
12 Rates developed as a direct tax on an individual 's income levied so as to take into account his or her capacity to pay .
13 These are accepted already as associated with SNRs .
14 On the " substantial " interpretation , they are seen simply as relating to certain terms which if substituted for variables in the relevant propositional schemata yield ( contextually ) true propositions , irrespective of whether or not such terms stand for actually existing objects .
15 Thus organisms are seen primarily as means by which strands of DNA are reproduced through succeeding generations .
16 Peptide stimulations and CTL assays were done essentially as described in the legend to Fig. 2 .
17 The constructed index is transformed so as to move from 0 in 1970 Q4 to a peak of unity assumed to be reached in 1989 Q4 .
18 certain words or acts can , as a matter of law , be interpreted only as amounting to a dismissal or resignation ;
19 It was held in Attorney General v Tod Heatley , however , that an owner of land has a common law duty to prevent it being used so as to amount to a public nuisance .
20 Being lower in rank than the founding treaties , the provisions of Community legislation must be interpreted so as to conform with the provisions of the treaties , and they may be annulled if they are incompatible with them .
21 ‘ It is submitted : ( i ) the judge erred in law in his ruling on count 1 ; ( ii ) for an offence to be committed under section 1(1) of the Act there does not have to be the use by the offender of one computer with intent to secure unauthorised access into another computer ; ( iii ) there is no ambiguity in the wording of section 1(1) ( a ) of the Act which clearly refers to an intent to secure access to any program or data held in any computer ; ( iv ) section 17(2) and ( 3 ) are applicable to the alleged actions of the respondent in this case ; ( v ) the Act has been drafted so as to deal with the person who misuses a computer to which he has direct ( but unauthorised ) access , as well as a computer into which he is able to secure indirect access by operating another computer . ’
22 On that principle , it seems correct that an amendment to extend controls to the contents of magazines should be added to the Indecent Displays ( Control ) Act , section 1(5) of which was drafted so as to exclude from ‘ displayed matter ’ caught by the test ‘ any part of that matter which is not exposed to view ’ .
23 The Act is drafted so as to apply to any foreign State , a practice followed in the criminal context by the Criminal Justice ( International Co-operation ) Act 1990 .
24 The transfection was performed exactly as described for stationary cells except all procedures were carried out with medium containing 10% serum .
25 The EMSA and the DNA probes used were performed exactly as described in [ 14 ] .
26 Despite this rather alarming fact , essential oils are harmless to skin if used correctly as advocated in this book .
27 Those authorities which are classed here as adapting to the care programme approach either spend some of their Mental Illness Specific Grant to satisfy its requirements or present the elements of the approach ( assessment , key working and review ) as an integral part of their plans for the year in question .
28 Having regard to the objectives and the general scheme of the Convention , that it is important that , in order to ensure as far as possible the equality and uniformity of the rights and obligations arising out of the Convention for the contracting states and the persons concerned , that concept should not be interpreted simply as referring to the national law of one or other of the states concerned .
29 Having regard to the objective and the general scheme of the Convention , it is important that , in order to ensure as far as possible the equality and uniformity of the rights and obligations arising out of the Convention for the contracting states and the persons concerned , that concept should not be interpreted simply as referring to the national law of one or other of the states concerned .
30 As the court held with respect to the expression ‘ matters relating to a contract ’ used in article 5(1) ( see the judgments of 22 March 1983 in Peters [ 1983 ] E.C.R. 987 , and of 8 March 1988 in Arcado [ 1988 ] E.C.R. 1539 ) , having regard to the objectives and general scheme of the Convention , it is important that , in order to ensure as far as possible the equality and uniformity of the rights and obligations arising out of the Convention of the contracting states and the persons concerned , that concept should not be interpreted simply as referring to the national law of one or other of the states concerned .
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