Example sentences of "[vb pp] [adv] [be] [adv] the " in BNC.

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1 The business that had been done successfully was undoubtedly the business of seeing Buck lost and gone forever .
2 If the conclusion of Hécaen and his colleagues ( Hécaen and Sauguet , 1971 ; Hécaen , De Agostini and Monzon-Montes , 1981 ) that familial left handers have bilateral speech , is accepted there is still the problem of distinguishing between those sinistrals with speech on the left side and those with speech on the right .
3 When the above questions concerning the Bromley case have been answered there is still the further crucial question as to how far the authority can deviate from what the court believes to be the correct proportionate balance between the respective interests .
4 The fictitious example being used here is not the easiest one to explain to an informant , but many much more difficult ones have been explained and interviews obtained .
5 The Fosse Way is one of these defended roads suggested above and the question raised here is why the small settlement at Dorn was chosen as the one to be provided with defences and not the much larger one at Bourton .
6 Pevensey Levels where 15,000-plus Lapwing , 1,200-plus Snipe , and 2,000-plus Golden Plover have been counted recently is perhaps the prime area , but five-figure flocks of Lapwing are not unusual elsewhere , and every suitable area will attract flocks of several hundred Snipe .
7 To develop this may be a fairly long-term affair : even if it has been developed there is always the risk that the client may decide to go elsewhere if better prospects offer .
8 Even when the project is completed there is still the finish to apply , with its attendant risks of streaky grain and sagging runs in the varnish , french polish or lacquer .
9 The statutory undertakings discussed above are perhaps the best known examples of the implied terms recognised in the common law and have been codified as such .
10 What is being recorded here is not the electrical activity associated with the muscles controlling the movements of the eyes , but the change in electrical field caused by the rotation of the eyeballs in their sockets .
11 None is necessarily better than any other , although the decimal numbering system described above is probably the easiest to use .
12 It should be clear that what is being suggested here is not the creation of new precincts as islands in the traffic-orientated city , or indeed the forcing of new pedestrian underpasses through the existing road net .
13 The demographic data we have provided are accurate enough , but no resemblance to any existing hotel or hotels in Knutsford is intended , and the competitive position described here is not the same as it is in reality .
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