Example sentences of "[vb pp] [adv] [adj] as a " in BNC.

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1 Rather I cite it here as a historical antecedent whose very strangeness alerts us to several facts relevant to what follows : first , and most obviously , that sexual difference is not a biological given so much as a complex ideological history ; second , that current theories of sexual difference are of relatively recent origin , and quite probably still haunted by older views , including this one ; third , it suggests that ‘ before ’ sexual difference the woman was once ( and may still be ) feared in a way in which the homosexual now is — feared , that is , not so much , or only , because of a radical otherness , as because of an interior resemblance presupposing a certain proximity ; the woman then , as the homosexual in modern psychoanalytic discourse , is marked in terms of lesser or retarded development .
2 Melanie had never been given so much as a sixpence for herself all the time she had been at the shop .
3 Yet , as she watched him , perched as lithe as a cat on the prow , leaning back out over the waves to balance the little craft , his splendid chest scattered with little beads of water , Ronni was aware that she did n't really mean it .
4 And the odour can be carried as much as a mile away if the wind is blowing in that direction .
5 For this month 's design , as with all projects where the solution has n't come as quick as a flash of inspiration , I assembled in front of me everything that I had found interesting or been working on over the past few months .
6 Secondly , the struggle between Keynes and ‘ orthodoxy ’ has been depicted too much as a battle of theory , not enough as a conflict between rival conceptions of the art and duty of government .
7 However , he concluded : ‘ Having to tackle reductions of this magnitude should not be seen so much as a threat to our way of life but as a challenge and an enormous opportunity for the world 's scientists , engineers and industrialists in both the developed and developing countries . ’
8 Sharpe angled away from the river , guiding the horse beside a field of rye which had grown as tall as a man.The field path led uphill , then , after picking a delicate path through a tangled copse where tree roots gave treacherous footing for the horse , Sharpe slid down an earthen bank on to a rutted road where he was shadowed and hidden from the Dragoons by the trees that arched overhead .
9 Hurrying back to the site , she had felt as nervous as a teenager going on her first date .
10 Instead , the best accounts of the ‘ causes ’ of language are social and psychological , where language is seen as occurring as a result of interactions between people and their environments .
11 But at the moment , automating the payment cycle is seen very much as a second phase , so AEI is n't taking any electronic payments from customers .
12 ‘ Well , I 've spent a year doing what the Thing 's told me and I 've never had so much as a ‘ thank you ’ , ’ said Masklin .
13 But in the last TWO years , he 's hardly had so much as a bite here .
14 Cabinet under Mrs Thatcher is ‘ not used so much as a formal forum where there are papers saying we have this problem and here are the options for what we can do about it .
15 They 'd have had four times more FAKINTIL deserters if they 'd shown as little as a quarter extra clemency .
16 Now , the elderly man who endured a waiter 's dirty fingers in his lemonade at Montrose could hardly have been more famous or respected , and there he sits in a dirty inn , happy to enjoy a little quiet , and quite at ease to do so , even in the company of one of the most garrulous men in the realm whose nature abhorred a conversational vacuum ; Johnson even expressed a simple delight in being thought as silent as a ghost .
17 I mean I , I , I , I 've had as many as a thousand marbles in a bag .
18 And I suppose over the last twelve month we must have had as many as a dozen of such inquiries wanted their stamp franked .
19 In a basket scram it 's three wheel I 've had as many as a hundred and forty pound loaves in a scram to push from to Street up to Road .
20 Without ever themselves having had as much as a picture postcard to sell , they feel entitled to criticise both the dead peer and his widow for having disposed of some of the contents of Althorp .
21 Manchester United manager Alex Ferguson , as we know from his rages at players who 've had as much as a sniff of the barmaid 's apron , is the man who put the temper in temperance .
22 It just shows how much people take for granted in contemporary society where kissing has become as ordinary as a handshake and the media are constantly giving us the message that sex is only exciting if it is different or forbidden .
23 You may remember that Samson was a man of enormous strength and then , following a liaison with Delila and her cutting off his hair , he was reported to have become as weak as a child — and yet there was an occasion , which led to his death , when he brought the whole temple down by pulling the pillars against which he was propped .
24 By 1880 he was turning to German models , and as business increased ( he is believed to have employed as many as a hundred men ) production became stereotyped .
25 The GP who had for generations been regarded as much as a family advisor as a curer of disease , became a thing of the past .
26 Cornford himself came to be regarded as much as a typically doomed and respected idealist of his generation as a poet .
27 Genette 's discussion of Proust is so far reaching that his book can be regarded as much as a reading of A la recherche as a contribution to narrative theory , and to this extent it represents a challenge to the generic distinctions normally made in structuralist thinking between poetics and criticism .
28 The very science that he is , presumably , engaged in can itself be recognized as existing as a practice within three of the ISAs he refers to ; the educational , the political and the communicative ISAs .
29 As far as I know he has never received as much as a warning as an amateur or professional . ’
30 The big wooden table had been scrubbed as white as a bone on the seashore .
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