Example sentences of "[vb pp] [adv] [adv] [conj] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 For instance , half a dozen A's are included much later because as Miller explained varieties of Aloe and Agave had only recently flowered in the Chelsea Garden for the first time and could not have appeared before .
2 It had vanished as silently as if it had been only a figment of her imagination .
3 If they all have the same score then the decision to carry just one forward is arbitrary , or they must all be carried forward just as though a tree were being searched .
4 ‘ In the light of the Divisional Court 's decision , we have naturally considered very carefully whether or not we should take the matter any further .
5 It ca n't be stressed too often that when you 're underground the rule is look but do n't touch .
6 Courses for training both residential and casework staff were organized rapidly so that when the 1948 Children Act came into force some influx of trained staff was anticipated to staff the new children 's departments .
7 Noises need to be made NOW so that when the political situation improves we shall be able to negotiate classes on good terms .
8 She had hinted darkly that Wilson herself must be to blame , that she must have been weak , must not have written plain enough and as she had been instructed .
9 Back-up copies of working disks should be made frequently so that if a disk is accidentally damaged , not too much work is lost .
10 As the Governor observed , it takes more time to change attitudes , but he thought that progress was being made here too and that the new recruitment would accelerate the process .
11 The person trying to commit suicide has decided either rationally or whilst under extreme duress that their life is no longer bearable and that they must end it .
12 Implications : the implications of the change and any alternatives or compromises which are possible , particularly if the affected programs will be used only once or if the change will require a considerable amount of development effort
13 The father 's solicitors appear to have thought perhaps otherwise and that the hearing on 27 January would be nothing more than a formality .
14 Families were linked by marriage alliances , and the determination of fathers to make these locally is nowhere shown more clearly than when the son of one gentleman of the shire was betrothed to the daughter of another , but the particular daughter 's name was left blank in the bond of betrothal .
15 This study compares the methods used to diagnose pyloric stenosis at Camperdown children 's hospital during two periods , 1974–7 and 1988–91 , to determine whether imaging is being used more frequently and whether it has led to earlier diagnosis and better management of pyloric stenosis .
16 Town 's drugs are often made in Britain , flown to the Far East or some other convenient staging post and then brought back on the next night — to be sold more cheaply than if they had never left Britain .
17 The water hawthorn , Aponogeton distachyus , will grow if sown straight away or if kept until the following year , but loses its viability if allowed to dry out completely .
18 The evening was dropping like velvet and the lagoon was fading to a deep dusky richness in which the curving palms were reflected as cleanly as though the water were a dark-silvered looking-glass .
19 The Duchess will be told quite clearly that if news or information gets out publicly in any way she could be fined , for example will be warned that time spent with her children will possibly be curtailed if she does n't tow the line .
20 A feature which distinguishes superior from inferior courts is that superior courts are not limited in their jurisdiction , whereas inferior courts are limited both geographically and as to the subject matter of the dispute .
21 The advantage of this form of key is that several different characters are compared together so that if one or more is missing , closeness of fit to the list can be used to gain an identification .
22 This means that the three remaining days will be packed more tightly and although it is too late for this academic year we will in subsequent years have one day at the start of each term .
23 And so it was as the " candidate " that he spoke to them , his accent so neutral by now that he could have come from anywhere and everywhere , his green broadcloth jacket still shabby but worn as jauntily as if it had been lined with ermine , his lean , dark face handsome enough to please the women and hard enough to reassure the men .
24 I came from Jamaica over twenty years ago and I got married in this country and I have stayed here ever since and although perhaps I might want to go back to Jamaica it 's not home to him .
25 Those who first heard this story would have understood well enough that if the rebel leaders were to be punished , then the other members of their families might have to suffer with them .
26 ‘ He 'd schooled very well and although I had hoped for a lead for a bit longer , we had to go on where we did .
27 And they 've given far more than but you or I will ever contemplate doing for God !
28 According to this alternative view , the target association may be formed perfectly normally but since , on a subsequent test trial , both this and any previously learned association will become activated when the CS is presented , the subjects may fail to retrieve the ‘ correct ’ one and the likelihood of the CR will be reduced .
29 Some smoke alarms can be linked together so that if one of them senses smoke , all of them will sound an alarm .
30 You 'd have known so well that when you turn over a stone all kinds of creepy-crawlies come clambering out .
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