Example sentences of "[vb pp] [adv] [adv] [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 It could n't be the same Rover , because they 'd have recognised the car , although he hoped they had n't stopped long enough to get the number .
2 It dropped five bound volumes through a chute into a Committee meeting , and strongly suggested they leave off debating what colour the new Nempnett Thrubwell skimover ought to be painted long enough to ponder the problem .
3 Polls suggested that Kennedy 's approval rating amongst his Massachusetts constituents had fallen so dramatically following the episode that he might fail to secure re-election in 1994 .
4 Most of the modes considered so far require the involvement in each state of an agency of central government as well as the competent official ( parquet , etc. ) at the local level .
5 Below Knox 's supposed home once stood the Netherbow Port , a gateway in the town wall , outside which began the abbey 's separate burgh of Canongate .
6 The failure to recall the current gear suggests that gear changing often does take place without a specific episodic memory being formed , in fact it is likely that this is the normal state of affairs , the relative infrequency of the failure being reported probably simply reflects the fact that the need for conscious awareness of the current gear is itself rare .
7 " You have come here chiefly to hunt the rare wild animals in our jungles so that the people of America will be able to see them on display in the Sherman Museum in Washington .
8 The papers included here also tackle the main features required to implement effectively the new approach which we have outlined above .
9 The successful birds had two young which were feathered well enough to show the black bar along the grey wings which distinguishes immature kittiwakes .
10 It grew colder still as the night fell , a crackling frost under a sickle moon , but the coldness did not reach into the Norderns ' flat and it would not have done so even had the central heating broken down , the joy and relief of the family generating enough warmth to melt the polar ice-cap if necessary .
11 At times , such as during the long wars with France from 1793 to 1815 , they seem to have done so especially to fill the labour gap created by absent men .
12 They say that America would have done better simply to import the Canadian system of national insurance financed by taxes .
13 However , the Ombudsman found that the UK and Gibraltar funds were closely linked and that , if the Department had moved swiftly enough to revoke the UK licence , the Gibraltar fund could not have continued to exist .
14 Much of what he had seen so far confirmed the assessment of the Imperial survey — that the stage of development Tarvaras had reached was equivalent to that which was thought to have existed during the Terran medieval period .
15 Still clad in her tattered working clothes , her wellingtons pumped away assiduously to give the instrument the breath it required .
16 The body was moved once more to make the pockets accessible and Fox searched them — there were only those in his trousers ; he was wearing a cardigan in place of a jacket .
17 In later records , notably the census returns of 1841 and 1851 , he was said more specifically to follow the trade of fancy weaver , that is the manufacture of waistcoats and other garments with decorative patterns .
18 Since employee interests will not always be best served by a policy of profit maximisation , it is follows that section 309 , on this first interpretation , will sometimes require , or at least permit , management behaviour to diverge from that which in Chapter 1 was provisionally accepted as best serving the general interest .
19 Without this productivity increase exports could not have expanded fast enough to balance the additional imports required to sustain the 1955–61 expansion .
20 The process by which a decision is made almost invariably affects the outcome .
21 Okay if you 're left handed then then I guess you 're probably gon na feel more comfortable that way round erm but while you 're using this and while you 're making a point about what you 've written just just stand to the side of it I usually put me hand up have done there just make the points to be made , yes .
22 Unless the United Nations is prepared actually physically to keep the peace , the federal forces have every incentive to maintain military operations against Croatia .
23 The Kiwi coach has done very well to help the game reach communist China ( see July issue of RW&P , pages 56 and 57 ) where there are hopes that rugby might be introduced to the Chinese armed forces .
24 " You 've done very well to get the thing cleared up so quickly , " I said .
25 The reality of life at passenger-level , mentioned only indirectly , could have been examined more thoroughly to determine the efficiency of British Rail 's service delivery , surely the basis for its existence .
26 Objectives and strategies can remain valid for many years but the long-term plans to achieve them need to be revised more frequently to reflect the up-to-date position of the organisation and its environment .
27 It is to be hoped that data-base technology can be developed quickly enough to meet the imminent requirements for data management in very large hyper-bases .
28 Income tax : the basic rate of tax has been reduced from 33 per cent to 25 per cent , the top rate of tax has been reduced from 83 per cent to 40 per cent and investment is now treated more favourably following the removal of the investment income surcharge .
29 Except for marine products , the few goods that polar regions yield are seldom valued highly enough to offset the high costs and risks of exploiting them .
30 The forces of repulsion keep the particles buoyant , in suspension , enabling them to be rinsed away so completing the cleaning process .
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