Example sentences of "[vb pp] [adv] [prep] the most " in BNC.

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1 The point will be of particular relevance in connection with causal sequences or causal chains , to be considered later in the most relevant context .
2 Animals kept in captivity for biomedical research are stressed even under the most humane conditions .
3 Deaf and dumb people were bitterly disappointed , and the BDDA 's reaction is summed up in its annual report for the year 1932 : No aid from the State was considered even in the most pressing of all problems , the vocational training of school leavers .
4 Yet Eliot seems to have been attracted even to the most unlikely sources , including even Conan Doyle 's ‘ The Musgrave Ritual ’ .
5 She knew it would wound his dignity that he had been forced to skulk abroad while she had saved the firm — never mind that she had done so in the most unbusinesslike and outrageous manner .
6 But they should be licensed and licences should be granted only under the most stringent conditions .
7 The trophy is presented annually to the most promising young sportsperson who receives training at Meadowbank .
8 In one sense Japanese subcontractors are being pushed away from the most labour intensive processes where overseas plants have the advantage .
9 It is in these prodigies of imitative art that Godwin discerns one of his social bridges , for he regards the love of art , exhibited even by the most miserable , as ‘ agreeable and cheering … evidence of striving upwards ’ , even though the former ‘ barbaric favourites ’ of the middle classes that have found their way to the firesides of the poor are not art ‘ of a very refined character ’ .
10 Late in 1913 he wrote on a more factual note : ‘ Futurism is not without importance , and its manifestos drawn up in France have had an influence on the terminology which is employed today amongst the most advanced painters . ’
11 It is also the case that informal rules exist within organisations and that discretion is exercised even within the most seemingly formal organisation .
12 Deliberately setting out to offer higher quality at lower prices , Wilson & Glick kitchens include many features normally found only in the most expensive European kitchens .
13 The true identity of Balashikha graduates is known only to the most senior members of Directorate S. The whole place is shrouded in secrecy . ’
14 This seems to have emerged with greatest sharpness in an area marked simultaneously by the most advanced commercial wealth in Europe and the absence of an established State : the seventeen provinces of the Low Countries , the possessions of the Habsburg dynasty .
15 My whirlpool analogy can prove equally dangerous in its generalisation for there are innovators to be found even in the most remote schools .
16 But it remained uncertain whether they were strong enough to create conditions in which peace could be negotiated even on the most minimal of their terms .
17 Meals are eaten communally for the most part and we will meet together regularly for worship times .
18 It is therefore necessary to say in this particular case that the tonic syllable is identified simply as the most prominent syllable .
19 Will the Minister consider holding a meeting with representatives of Hydro-power , which serves the most isolated communities in Scotland which are subjected regularly to the most severe weather conditions ?
20 ‘ Meat and animal-based foods were put forward as the most nutritious form of sustenance and this propaganda changed the shape of generations .
21 These individuals are huddled together under the most unhygienic conditions , totally uncared for and quite frequently ill-treated …
22 As Lord Upjohn said in Phipps v. Boardman , at p. 123 : ‘ Rules of equity have to be applied to such a great diversity of circumstances that they can be stated only in the most general terms and applied with particular attention to the exact circumstances of each case . ’
23 However , as Sperber and Wilson have shown , this traditional approach to communication can not be maintained even in the most ordinary , non-poetic cases .
24 For half of my life I have lived here with the most beautiful woman in the world .
25 But Castle Drachenfels still stands , shunned even by the most desperate and corrupt inhabitants of the Grey Mountains .
26 Conformity was required only in the most general of senses .
27 However , it must be pointed out that not all monopoly suppliers act against the public interest ( eg it is not suggested even by the most ardent advocate of privatisation — refer to Chapter 3 — that the water supply or sewage disposal industries should provide competitive services to each household ; the duplication of resources in these cases would be extremely wasteful to society ) , nor do all oligopolies abuse their position .
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